Wednesday 22 November 2023

Dictée 11

 We have been discussing "les accords" agreement between adjectifs and nouns. The adjectif will always "copy" the genre (masculin ou féminin) and nombre (singulier ou pluriel) of the noun that it is attached to. I will be indicating to students during our test the genre et nombre of each adjectif and putting into context for them. 

1. préférée

2. joyeuse

3. énervée

4. énorme

5. six

6. douces

7. noires

8. légères

9. content

10. magnifiques

Monday 20 November 2023

A Rover's Story Final Project


Big Idea: The solar system is part of the Milky Way which is one of billions of galaxies.

Here are these big questions: 

How is Space explored? 

Focus your research on something in space or about space that you'd like to know more about.

Some ideas are:
What is NASA? 
What is CSA?
What is the Hubble Telescope?
What is the James Webb Space Telescope?
Who are some famous astronauts?
What was the Space Race? 
How many Rover missions have gone to Mars?
What are the Apollo missions? 
What is the Big Bang?

You can also research object is space and create and "All About" Power Point.
Choose a planet to research
Black Holes
The Moon
The Sun 

Individual or in group (3 max)
Make a Power Point with a minimum of 5 slides
Each slide should have visual and written information.
Make sure you include a title page with your group names.
Must include a slide at the end with your references (websites and books you visited to find your information) 

*At least one book from EPIC and one credible website for research 

Websites to use:

For images try: 

Journée mondiale de l'enfance

Thursday 16 November 2023

Alberto Giacometti et les sculptures

 Le mouvement

1. Comment les figures communiquent les émotions et les actions?

- Dessine des figures en mouvement

- composer une liste d'activités que tu aimes faire. 

2. Qui est Alberto Giacometti?

vidéo biographique

3. Creation de sculptures.

Materielles: aluminum, chenilles, carton 


Wednesday 15 November 2023

Dictée #10

Rêve ou réalité?

1. trois
2. la montagne
3. la première
4. vite comme le vent
5. la deuxième
6. la troisième
7. elle fabrique
8. sa soeur
9. elle bricole
10. une trotinette

Thursday 2 November 2023

Dictée #8

 1. longtemps

2. un enfant

3. parfois

4. la campagne

5. il a rencontré

6. orignal

7. il mangeait

8. un pommier

9. mon père

10. le dos