Week 6 (May 11-15)
Division 13
CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 (Présentations en petit groupe après 11:00-12:00) For this week's theme of creativity come prepared to showcase anything that you've created! If you're up for a challenge try the Getty Art Museum challenge listed below, otherwise you can share another creation of yours! Let's get creative!
ZOOM DROP-IN (Optional) Friday at 10:00 am – 10:30 (Présentations en petit groupe après 10:30 -11:30)
Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: Creativity
Use a creative writing prompt.
Complete your creative writing assignment in a WORD doc and send to me OR post on KIDBLOG. Don’t forget to name your documents and include a title.
1. Read assigned book on EPIC: Above and Beyond with Creativity and Innovation. If you’re going to choose a chapter to read, I recommend 3 & 4, or try a chapter a day for the week.
2. Choose a creative writing prompt. Here are some options but feel free to use your own as well.
3. Write a minimum of 1 page focusing on style/voice in your creative writing. This means that your piece of writing should reflect your personality. Watch this video to learn more about developing VOICE in your writing.
French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves et par madame
Grammaire : passé composé et imparfait
Projet de Passion (on going)
2. Regarde la leçon sur les verbes au passé composé et l’imparfait (2 temps au passé les plus communs):
3. Écris un paragraphe qui parle d’un évènement au passé. Tu peux utiliser le passé composé et l’imparfait. Tu peux écrire ton paragraphe dans le même document que tu as créé pour ton écriture au présent si tu veux.
4. Les présentations –On commence à partager les projets cette semaine.
Concept: Intro to Geometry:
Points/Lines/Planes &
Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson in Geometry-Part 1: Points, lines and planes AND Angle Basics
2) Complete 1 practice exercise or worksheet page for each lesson.
3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” on angles OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work for angles.
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!
Activity of the week:
Do the Getty Museum Art Challenge! Browse the Getty Museum's collection, then re-create something you've found using objects (and people) from your home. See the Twitter feed for inspiration! https://twitter.com/GettyMuseum/status/1242845952974544896
Post your pic on Kidblog or send to me! First, you’ll need to choose a piece of art to re-create! Think about whether you’d like to recreate a portrait (with a person) or using objects only. You can also visit other museums websites to select the piece of art you’d like to recreate. Try Le Louvre or the Vancouver Art Gallery

2. Science World is offering OMNIMAX films to watch at home that you even have the option to watch in FRENCH! The newest one featured is “WILD OCEAN”. Click here to watch: https://www.scienceworld.ca/online-films/#wild-ocean
Take a virtual field trip: Use this fly-over virtual tour to learn about the 2019 fire that badly damaged Paris's historic Notre Dame cathedral and the efforts to restore it: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-04-18/notre-dame-walk-through/11024512?nw=0
WEEKLY WORDS : Words with /oo/
1. Loose
2. Rooster
3. Balloon
4. Shampoo
5. Raccoon
6. Proof
7. Choose
8. Lose
9. Improve
10. Whose
11. Clue
12. Glue
13. Fruit
14. Juice
15. shoe
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