Week 5 (May 4 - 8)
Division 13
CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
ZOOM DROP-IN (Optional) Friday at 10:00 a.m.
Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: Compassion
You do not need to hand anything in this week for English.
BONUS: Write a Kidblog post about any of this week’s activities about Compassion. You can write about the act of kindness you did, the short films you watched or any thing else related to the theme of compassion.
1. Read assigned book Reach Out: Being Compassionate on Epic.
2. Watch Pip, and Kitbull - animated short films. Think or talk about with a family member what you think the message is of these short films and how they are related to this week’s theme of compassion.
3. Do an ACT OF KINDNESS – Some you have written letters for the elderly, if not, choose another act of kindness to do this week. Check out this website for tons of RAK ideas: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas , use an idea from the book you read on Epic or use your own idea!
French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves.
Grammaire : passé composé
Projet de Passion
1. Écoute la chanson de la semaine choisie par - Danika: L’oiseau et l’enfant par Kids United
Ecoute la chanson choisie par Mme - Soprano, a nos heros du quotidien
3. Faire des exercices de pratique sur le passé composé : les exercices en ligne ou Fiche à imprimer (Tu n’as pas besoin de remettre ce travail, mais tu peux m’envoyer un photo de ton travail. Il y aussi des exercices de pratique en dessous du vidéo de la leçon avec Pierre que tu peux faire.
4. Travail sur ton projet – You should be putting it all together now. Start recording audio to your power point, preparing cue cards for presentation or making your video depending on the format that you are doing.
Projects are due next week. You can send to me and/or we will organize small groups for presentations.
Later this week you will be asked to complete a self-asssessment of your work on this project so far.
Concept: Measurement
Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson “Units of Distance”
2) Complete practice exercises/worksheets (minimum 1 page)
3)There is NO “I KNoW IT” Math this week. Please complete last week’s if you have not already (length & capacity) OR send me a pic of your practice work that you’ve been doing.
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!
Activity of the week:
Try the “Spell your name workout” (pdf in Teams and in email)
Campbell has posted another “quarantine challenge” in Kidblog! Check it out
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10th – students, check your email for some Mother’s Day ideas that I’ll send you separately.
Art – Try these “Lunch Doodles” with Mo Willems (the author-illustrator Mme Hirniak talked about last week).
WEEKLY WORDS : Words with /oi/
1. destroy
2. annoy
3. enjoy
4. employment
5. loyal
6. oyster
7. voyage
8. choice
9. appointment
10. moisture
11. coin
12. avoid
13. voice
14. noise
15. broil
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