Sunday, 31 May 2020

Week 9: June 1-5

Week 9 (June 1 - 5)
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 “Qui suis-je” devinette creer par les élèves

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Integration of Science and Socials
Theme: Exploration

Suggestion: There are 5 explorers to learn about, you can challenge yourself to complete all 5 by learning about one explorer per day this week.

1.   Go to this week’s virtual Bitmoji classroom: Travelling the World with a Team of Explorers

2.   Start by clicking on my Bitmoji to learn about this assignment. It will take you to an 8 page pdf file that contains info about 5 different explorers that you can learn about.

3.   Use Google Earth to put in key words to answer the clues for each location.

4.   Record your answers. You can print off the answer sheet to record your answers that I’ve emailed as an attachment or write your answers on a piece of paper or notebook.  

5.   Click on the images in the Virtual Classroom to watch a video about each of the explorers you’ve learned about.

6.   Send a picture of your answers to Mme by the end of the week. Don’t worry if you were not able to complete all of them. OR

Write a Kidblog post about something new or interesting that your learned from this assignment.

French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves et par madame

Here is a an article in English from CBC kids to help you understand more about Turtle Island:

1.   Écouter les chansons de la semaine
A)  Krystyna : Chacun sa route par Kids United
B) Madame : Comme les enfants pas Cœur de Pirate

2.   Juin c’est le mois national des peuples autochtones au Canada.  Apprendre plus au sujet des peoples autochtones au Canada en jouant ce jeu: Ile des tortues.
*To play you need to read the question at the bottom and then drag and drop the correct image into the basket.

3.    Lis ce texte sur L’ile de la tortues

4.    Jouer au Kahoot pour reviser les concepts que tu as appris sur les autochtones et l’ile de la tortue:
Kahoot et Game Pin : 05342786

Concept: Intro to Geometry: POLYGONS

Optional: XTRA Math for multiplication & division fact mastery

Click this link for Math lessons and worksheets:  Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson in Geometry-Part 1: Quadrilaterals

2) Complete a minimum of 1 practice exercise or worksheet page

3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” for quadrilaterals OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work.

 Health and Wellness
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and try a new activity.

For example watch this video to learn how to juggle:


French – Listen to these French stories on line:

Science - Try this Rock Cycle Experiment at home:

Math - Check out these geometry themed wonders on Wonderopolis - geometry
Or Khan Academy for supplementary lessons on Geometry basics:

TRY THIS AT HOME - There are many different types of triangles. Find three sticks from outside, straws, toothpicks, chopsticks or rolled up paper sticks. Move them around to make different types of triangles – equilateral, acute, obtuse, scalene, right, isosceles. Take pictures or draw the different triangles and label their attributes.

ART – Learn about artist…. and make these cardboard masks:

Read aloud in English – James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
This read aloud is performed by various actors and actresses.
Episode 1 
Episode 2

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Week 8: May 25 -29

Week 8 (May 25-29)
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00  - Jeu: Qui suis-je?

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: Social Studies
Explore BC and the Fraser River.

Learn about an animal of your choice.

1.    Explore this week’s Beautiful BC themed Virtual Classroom. Click on the images to learn about different topics. The virtual classroom is also sent to your email as a PDF document and is posted in Teams.

2.   Go to National Geographic Kids website and choose an animal that interests you and that you’d like to learn more about.

3.   write a Kidblog post about the animal that you chose. Include 5-10 interesting facts that you learned about your animal. You can write in paragraph or point form.

French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves et par madame

Grammaire :
1.   Verbe vouloir au present
2.   Quiz des verbes de base ETRE et AVOIR

1.   Écouter les chansons de la semaine
A)  Grace : Sur Ma Route par Black M
B) Madame : Je veux par Zaz

2.   Apprendre comment conjuguer le verbe VOULOIR au present dans ce video et faire les exercices sur ligne sur le verbe VOULOIR au present.

GAME PIN : 09316407

Concept: Intro to Geometry: POLYGONS

Optional: XTRA Math for multiplication & division fact mastery

Click this link for Math lessons and worksheets:  Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson in Geometry-Part 1: Triangles

2) Complete a minimum of 1 practice exercise or worksheet page

3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” on triangles (there are 2 this week) OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work.

Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Check out Mme Ferrier’s or M. Tremblay’s videos:


Lecture orale en francais (lu par Mme Turbide)

Read aloud in English – James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
This read aloud is performed by various actors and actresses. There will be 10 episodes in total. 
Episode 1 
Episode 2

Science – To learn more about the Earth’s rock cycle, check out these sites: PBS Learning or Scholastic’s Scienceflix.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Week 7: May 20th - 22nd

Week 7 (May 20-22)
Division 13

Please complete Interim Self-Assessment and return electronically by May 27th,2020

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 9:30 – 10:30  - Please note that the time is a bit earlier than usual as my weekly staff meeting has been re-scheduled to Wed. @ 10:30. 

ZOOM  Friday at 10:00 am – 11:30 – This Zoom time will be used for presentations this week

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: The Outdoors

Bonus #1: Enjoy reading in the outdoors! Challenge yourself to read for 20-30 minutes every day this week outside!

Bonus #2: Take a picture, draw a sketch, make a diagram or make a video of a tree.
1.   Participate in this Take Me Outside Challenge:
“Find a tree around your neighbourhood and spend 20 minutes with it - under it, leaned against it, perhaps even up in it! Feel the bark, look at its leaves and its roots, and think about all the ways trees provide for us. (Hint - they give us oxygen, they improve water quality, they temper climate, they conserve energy, they create habitat for plants and animals, they improve health, they reduce crime, they reduce noise pollution and they promote community, just to name a few!)”

2.   Write a Kidblog Post about trees It can be any type of writing: an essay, a poem, a story, a report, a journal… just share something about TREES!
French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves et par madame

Theme : La nature

Grammaire : Révision des verbes de base ETRE et AVOIR

1.   Écoute les chansons de la semaine
A)  Chloe : Mama Africa par Kids United
B) Madame : Appelle ton amour par Kelly Clarkson feat. Zaz

BONUS – Create a photo collage (video or picture) of the people you love similar to that of the music video for « Appelle ton amour »

2.   Regarder l’émission de ONIVA « Vert »

3.   Complèter la feuille de révision sur les verbes être et avoir au présent. The answer sheet is included so you can self-correct. You do not need to send me anything for French this week.
Concept: Intro to Geometry: POLYGONS

Optional: XTRA Math for multiplication & division fact mastery

Click this link for Math lessons and worksheets:  Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson in Geometry-Part 1: Polygons

2) Complete a minimum of 1 practice exercise or worksheet page

3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” on polygons OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work for polygons

Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Get outdoors! Some ideas are:
Go for a walk, a run or a bike ride.
Create an outdoor obstacle course.



Reading – Check out this article by Time for Kids about the new 2020 Children’s Choices Reading List. Click here to view the list.

Cooking: Learn how to make the perfect eggs

Science World is offering OMNIMAX films to watch at home that you even have the option to watch in FRENCH! Check out this one: “Mummies, Secrets of the Pharaohs”. Click here to watch:

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Week 6: May 11-15

Week 6 (May 11-15)
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 (Présentations en petit groupe après 11:00-12:00) For this week's theme of creativity come prepared to showcase anything that you've created! If you're up for a challenge try the Getty Art Museum challenge listed below, otherwise you can share another creation of yours! Let's get creative! 

ZOOM DROP-IN (Optional) Friday at 10:00 am – 10:30 (Présentations en petit groupe après 10:30 -11:30)

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: Creativity

Use a creative writing prompt.

Complete your creative writing assignment in a WORD doc and send to me OR post on KIDBLOG. Don’t forget to name your documents and include a title.
1.   Read assigned book on EPIC: Above and Beyond with Creativity and Innovation. If you’re going to choose a chapter to read, I recommend 3 & 4, or try a chapter a day for the week.  

2.   Choose a creative writing prompt. Here are some options but feel free to use your own as well.

3.   Write a minimum of 1 page focusing on style/voice in your creative writing. This means that your piece of writing should reflect your personality. Watch this video to learn more about developing VOICE in your writing.
French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves et par madame

Grammaire : passé composé et imparfait

 Projet de Passion (on going)
1.   Écoute la chanson de la semaine choisie par Quinn : On écrit sur les murs par Kids United
et la chanson de madame : C’est la vie par Khaled

2.    Regarde la leçon sur les verbes au passé composé et l’imparfait (2 temps au passé les plus communs):

3.    Écris un paragraphe qui parle d’un évènement au passé. Tu peux utiliser le passé composé et l’imparfait. Tu peux écrire ton paragraphe dans le même document que tu as créé pour ton écriture au présent si tu veux.

4.   Les présentations –On commence à partager les projets cette semaine.
Click ici pour voir le Google doc pour les dates de présentations.

Concept: Intro to Geometry:
Points/Lines/Planes &

Optional: XTRA Math for multiplication & division fact mastery

Click this link for Math lessons and worksheets:  Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson in Geometry-Part 1: Points, lines and planes AND Angle Basics

2) Complete 1 practice exercise or worksheet page for each lesson.

3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” on angles OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work for angles. 

Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Get moving with NBA legend Jerome Williams in this workout.


Do the Getty Museum Art Challenge! Browse the Getty Museum's collection, then re-create something you've found using objects (and people) from your home. See the Twitter feed for inspiration!
Post your pic on Kidblog or send to me! First, you’ll need to choose a piece of art to re-create! Think about whether you’d like to recreate a portrait (with a person) or using objects only. You can also visit other museums websites to select the piece of art you’d like to recreate. Try Le Louvre or the Vancouver Art Gallery
A picture containing grass, water, standing, sitting

Description automatically generated   A picture containing person, indoor, table, child

Description automatically generated

2. Check out the Vancouver Art Gallery’s “Art at Home Series” for art activities.

1.   Check out Scholastic Scienceflix page all about CODING

2.   Science World is offering OMNIMAX films to watch at home that you even have the option to watch in FRENCH! The newest one featured is “WILD OCEAN”. Click here to watch:

Take a virtual field trip: Use this fly-over virtual tour to learn about the 2019 fire that badly damaged Paris's historic Notre Dame cathedral and the efforts to restore it:

WEEKLY WORDS : Words with /oo/

1.   Loose
2.   Rooster
3.   Balloon
4.   Shampoo
5.   Raccoon
6.   Proof
7.   Choose
8.   Lose
9.   Improve
10. Whose
11. Clue
12. Glue
13. Fruit
14. Juice
15. shoe