Sunday, 5 April 2020

Week of April 6 -9

Week of April 6-9
Division 13

 I am in the process of learning Microsoft Teams which is another app available to your in Office 365 accounts. I have created a class for us Div. 13 2019/20. This is where you’ll be able to find worksheets and attachments.
*****CLASS ZOOM MEETING: WEDNESDAYS at 10:00 am*****
Please review ZOOM rules before our meeting

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
April is poetry month! This week you are asked to participate in our class HAIKU Challenge!
Directions on how to write a haiku and samples of haikus are posted in Kidblog.

Voting Options:
You can either create a survey using a survey tool like Survey Monkey to compile your results or you can have your classmates vote for their favourite in the comments section of your post.

Every student will end up with a winning haiku of their own that we will use to create a class collaborative project.
1.   Compose 3 original haikus. You can draft these in a notebook or journal.
2.   Once complete, post all 3 on Kidblog ensuring that you have numbered each one so that your classmates can vote on their favourite.
3.   Please read and vote on your class mates haikus by Sunday at 8pm as we will be creating a collaborative Power Point with each student’s winning Haiku next week.

French Literacy
Assigned book in EPIC “Sous la lune du corbeau”. This is a read to me book that you can listen to and follow along. This story is written by David Bouchard a well known Métis author. Watch a quick video about to learn more about the author here.

Regarde: Visionnez l’episode de ONIVA: MONTAGNE You may. Have to scroll down to find the episode.

Ecrire 10 nouveaux mots de vocabulaire du texte et traduire en anglais.

Reflechis – Est-ce qu’il y a un morale ou un message dans cette histoire?

Regarde: Réponds à la question de la semaine sur Kidblog: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire dans les montagnes? Ou écris un Kidblog sur une montagne de ton choix. Ex. Mont Everest.

Concept: Decimal Arithmetic, Multiplying decimals

Also, log into your XTRA Math account using PIN code that was emailed to your parents (you can email me for PIN as well) and complete start up activities.

1)Watch lesson on multiplying decimals:

2) Complete practice work & have a parent check your work: Practice worksheet is emailed and you can also find in Teams in your office 365 accounts.

3) Login to “I know it Math” to complete assignment on Multiplying decimals. SIGN INSTRUCTIONS ARE POSTED IN REMOTE LEARNING TAB.

Health and Wellness
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Create your own Physical Activity Choice board to choose from daily
*If you’re using the DAILY 5 chart check off each day.


TYPING – Learn how to type using this online typing program! Incorporate this as one of your daily activities if your using the DAILY 5.

MAKE A TIME CAPSULE! Use this template to start to create a time capsule. This can be an ongoing project that you and your family work on. You can also find the Time Capsule printout in TEAMS in Office 365. Alternatively, here is another time capsule project that doesn’t require a print out.

It’s EASTER weekend! Check out this art project:

WEEKLY WORDS – Use these words to study and practice. You can use each word in a sentence to practice or use one of the strategies you learned before the break for the weekly “étude de mots”. Have a family member give you a spelling test at the end of the week.

Words with “-ion”
1.   nation
2.   action
3.   election
4.   instruction
5.   information
6.   pollution
7.   population
8.   education
9.   location
10. invention

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