JUST ADDED!! A fun science experiment to try on the digestive system that we learned about be fore the break: https://www.howtosmile.org/resource/smile-000-000-000-773
Salut mes amis!
J'hâte à se connecter cette semaine mais entre temps voici quelques options que vous pouvez faire:
Imprimez et decorez cet arc-en-ciel et placez-le dans ta fenetre pour garder en esprit positif pendant ce temps difficile:
1. English
Want to be a published author? Contribute your 50 message of HOPE and have the chance to have your writing published!
2. French
Kidblog - Ecris un blog post en français pour partager avec la classe! Compose une liste de top 5 façons de occuper ton temps chez toi pendant la crise de COVID-19.
3. Math
First watch Math Antics video for review of addition and subtraction of decimals.
Addition - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwh4SD1ToFc
Subtraction - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwh4SD1ToFc
Next, log into "I know it" Math for sample assignment to practice conecpt:
I Know It : https://www.iknowit.com/
Students to log in using
Class Code: Homeniuk
Username: student's fist name only
Password: 2020
4. Science
Simple Stem from Home: Towers
5. Read - Set up an account and sign into FVRL to access ebooks! I went to ebooks - Explore by genre - Juvenile fiction.
Don't have a card? You can register for one online:
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