Sunday, 26 April 2020

Week 4 April 27 - May 1

Week 4 (April 27-May 1)
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:oo – 11:00 Thème: Les livres (apporter un livre préféré ou un livre que tu es en train de lire à montrer à la classe)

ZOOM DROP-IN (Optional) Friday 10:00 – 11:00

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Last week of poetry! Write an adverb poem.

Grammar lesson: Parts of speech

First, watch this video to learn and review the 8 parts of speech.

Then, watch this video to watch specific lesson on adverbs.

For your last poem this month you will be writing an “Adverb Poem”. Directions how to write this poem can be found on Kidblog, Teams and in your email for the week. Don’t forget to post your finished adverb poem in Kidblog!

Play this Kahoot challenge to review parts of speech.
Game PIN: 01910242

BONUS: Write another poem of your choice. You can view more types of poems on the poetry power point I’ve included in this email and posted in Teams.

French Literacy
La musique francophone – Chanson de la semaine choisie par les élèves.

Projet de Passion
1.    Écoute la chanson de la semaine choisi par Campbell :  Un homme debout par Claudio CapeoSend me your favourite French song to feature as the song of the week!
*Si tu aimes cette chanson, voivi une autre par le meme artiste: Riche par Claudio Capéo

2.   Écriture - Ecris une page « au présent » au sujet d’un jour dans ta vie chez toi pendant la pandémie de Covid-19. Write a page french in the present tense about a typical day at home during this pandemic. You can organize your writing into paragraphs or as a daily schedule with times. Écris sur Word en Office 365 et partage avec moi quand tu as fini (par email).

3.   Mercredi pendant notre Zoom - lecture par Madame du livre Parce-que par Marc Barnett et activité à suivre.
Projet – Once you’ve brainstormed and organized ideas for your passion project, start to translate any key words or phrases you’ll need to know to express your ideas in french. Remember DO NOT translate whole paragraphs at a time.

Concept: measurement

Optional: XTRA Math for multiplication & division fact mastery

All of the Math lessons and worksheets for the week are accessible using our new class web link. Click here: Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lesson “Intro to the Metric system”

2) Complete practice exercises/worksheets (minimum 1 page)

3)Login to “I know it Math” to complete end of week assignment “quiz”.

Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Get moving with M. Tremblay:
Get moving with Mme Ferrier:

BONUS: Send a short video clip of you doing an exercise for M. Tremblay   


Art –  Laity View Yearbook Cover contest:
Get out your crayons, pencils or paints and create your winning design! Express your artistic ability to show off your Laity View spirit!
• Use regular size (8 ½” x 11”) white paper
• Draw your cover page in a vertical layout (Up and down NOT side to side)
• Include the school name and 2019-2020 in the design
• Include your first name somewhere in your drawing
• Black and white OR color drawings Remember to provide student’s name, grade and division/teacher with your submission.

Science –  Try this experiment of the week “Floating Penny

French – Do this quiz d’actu “Special printemps”

Music: Mrs. Dahle's Music Opportunities

WEEKLY WORDS : Homophones

1.   threw
2.   through
3.   right
4.   write
5.   hole
6.   whole
7.   road
8.   rode
9.   their
10. there
11. they’re
12. it’s
13. its
14. waist
15. waste

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Week of April 20-24

Week of April 20-24
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:oo – 11:00 *Come prepared to be active!
ZOOM DROP-IN/HELP DESK Friday 10:00 – 10:30

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Continue with poetry!

Theme: Earth Day (April 22nd)
Read assigned books in Epic:
1.   The Word Collector by Peter Reynolds (AUDIO BOOK)
2.   The Word Collector by Sonja Wimmer
3.   Let’s celebrate Earth Day
4.   Celebrate April

Your task this week is to be “word collectors”. After reading both Word collector stories in Epic, read through a variety of other Earth Day themed books in Epic to collect earth day themed words. You can search Earth Day in the search bar and choose your own books to read to collect your Earth Day themed words. Collect a minimum of 20 words that you will the use as a foundation to create your own Earth Day Found Poem. See Found Poetry document in Teams or in email for further instructions and post your final found poem in KIdblog.

BONUS: Click here to read an article from TIME for KIDS titled “The Plastic Bag Problem”

BONUS: Invent a new holiday to be celebrated and write a post about it in Kidblog!
French Literacy
1.Ecoute chanson : Le pire Bu GIMS  

2.Grammaire – Revision des verbes du 1er groupe au present
Regarde la vidéo : Français avec Pierre

Projet de Passion
1.   Complete ce que tu peux sur « les fiches apprenants » pour la chanson Le Pire. The pdfs are posted in Teams and also sent as attachements in your email for the week.

2.   Complete la feuille de grammaire sur les verbes au présent. The pdf is posted in Teams ans also attached in weekly email.
Ensuite, jouer au Kahoot :

Game PIN : 06601395
Projet – Continuer à planifier ton projet de passion. Choosing a topic and selecting and organizing the main ideas.

Concept: Division/Divisibility

Grade 5 – factors/divisibility

Grade 6 – Division with 2 digit divisor

Optional: XTRA Math

All of the Math lessons and worksheets for the week are accessible using our new class web link. Click here: Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5
1)   Watch lesson on Factoring
Grade 6
    1)Watch lesson on Long Division with 2 digit divisors

2) Complete practice exercises/worksheets (minimum 1 page)

2)   Login to “I know it Math” to complete end of week assignment “quiz”.
*IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THE COMMAS ARE NOT DECIMALS IN THE QUESTIONS. It can be very confusing as commas are used as decimal points in French Math worksheets. All of the Math work that is being assigned for remote learning is based on English therefore periods are used for decimal points and commas are used to separate larger numbers.

Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Get moving with basketball player Mason Plumblee
*You’ll need a skipping rope but can just hop if you don’t have one or make your own!
BONUS: Design your own homemade skee ball game … record your game to share with everyone!


Science –  Try this experiment of the week “EGGS IN MOTION”.

1.   Check out this awesome French music playlist on youtube:

2.   Concours virtuel:

Watch a documentary with your family I Throw like A Girl – The Mo’Ne Davis mini-doc directed by Spike Lee (16 min)

TYPING – Learn how to type using this online typing program! Challenge yourself to 15 minutes a day!


1.   sandwiches
2.   speeches
3.   wishes
4.   athletes
5.   vegetables
6.   stories
7.   parties
8.   companies
9.   calves
10.  skis

Friday, 17 April 2020

Projet de passion

Monday, 13 April 2020

Week of April 14-17

Week of April 14-17
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday  10:oo - 10:30 & Friday 10:00 – 11:00
Don't forget to complete the survery to vote on your favourite theme for Friday's meeting:

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Continue with poetry!
This week you’ll be learning about characteristics of poems (form, rhyme, rhythm, figurative language, and theme) and how to respond to a poem.

1.   Collaborative Power Point. Design a power point slide for your winning haiku from last week. Be sure to include an image, the title, the poem and your name. 

2.   On Kidblog there are 2 posts that explain your assignment for the week
PART 1 – Shel Sivlerstein
Read some of Shel Silverstein’s poems and choose one Shel Silverstein poem that you really like and post it in Kidblog.

PART 2 – Poetry Characteristis
Read about the characteristics that make poems unique from other types of writing. Underneath the poem you selected as your favourite, write about the characteristics you can identify in the poem you selected.

French Literacy
Read assigned books in EPIC:
1.   Poésie pour la vie par Gilles Tibo
2.   L’arc-en-ciel par Édith Bourget

Projet – Patati et patata ou concours virtuel (must be submitted by May 2nd)

1.   Faire le quiz à la fin.
2.   Bonus - faire une liste de tous les animaux qui sont nommés dans le livre. Il y a 8!

3.   In french, write your own « poème arc-en-ciel » by follwing the same structure as the book. This poem uses similes to compare a colour to somethng else.
Ex. Rouge comme…, Orange comme…
Use the colours : Rouge, orange, jaune, vert, bleu et violet for your poem.
PUblish your poem on Kidblog.

Projet – Choisir un sujet et commencer un plan. Criteria will be posted and we will discuss further on our Wed. Zoom meeting. 

Concept: Division

Gr. 5 & 6– Review long division

Bonus – Intro to Exponents

All of the Math lessons and worksheets for the week are accessible using our new class web link: Math Antics for Div. 13

1)Watch lesson on Long Division

2) You can use either the exercises or the worksheets that are located under the video lesson to complete your practice work. You can download and print or complete in a notebook. 

3) Login to “I know it Math” to complete end of week assignment “quiz”.

BONUS – If you’ve already mastered long division complete quiz and then watch lesson: Intro to Exponents. Do an exercise sheet to practice this concept and check your answers.

Health and Wellness
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:
Make a circuit or bootcamp in your house or backyard.

Complete Campbell’s quarantine challenge posted on Kidblog.


If you're a DOG MAN fan, I recommend you check out Dav Pilkey at home:

Join Scholastic's Home Base Virtual Book Fest:

Science – Try one of these at-home experiments: Bill Nye

French Watch, read or listen to something in French this week other than what is assigned. Under the EXTRAS tab there are links to sites for you to check out.

Art – Try this fun OP Art lesson

Music - Mrs. Dhale reccomends checking our this awesome website:

MathXTRA Math

Continue to work on your TIME CAPSULE if you started last week.

TYPING – Learn how to type using this online typing program! Incorporate this as one of your daily activities if your using the DAILY 5.

WEEKLY WORDS : compound words
1.   birthday
2.   blueberry
3.   nightmare
4.   homework
5.   breakfast
6.   weekend
7.   sailboat
8.   flashlight
9.   notebook
10. suitcase