Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Coded Math Square

Click her for the  interactive coded math square: - You'll need to move the pieces so that they connect to create a code. 

Once finished you can visit the tangram site:

Thursday, 19 November 2020


 Story 1: 

I was walking through the grocery store one day with my mom. She saw a cart coming straight toward me, but I didn't see it. I ran right into the cart and landed in a heap on the floor. It was such a disaster.

Story 2:

 I was walking through the grocery store one day with my mom. All of a sudden, she yelled out, "Watch out for that cart!" I was starting to turn around to see what she was talking about, but the cart was coming too quickly. I yelled out, "Oh no! Stop!" as the car came crashing into me. As I landed in a heap on the floor I screamed, "Ouch, watch out next time!" It was such a disaster.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Monday, 14 September 2020

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Book Talk Monday

I Survived - Book Trailers 

The Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus by Dusti Bowling - Author reads first chapter

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate - Movie Trailer

The One and Only Bob by Katherine Applegate - Book Trailer

READ ALOUD: The List of Things That Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Sois prudent, sois gentil, sois calme

SOIS PRUDENT: Révision - Comment être prudent à l'école?

SOIS GENTIL- Comment est-ce qu'on peut etre gentil?

1. Activité de notes de Post-it

2. Video 1 - The Science of Kindness

3. Video 2 - Kindness Boomerang

Welcome Back!

 Click here: Back to School Writing Prompt - Try to be as specific as possible with your list. 

Mme Homeniuk's list:

1. I love lists! I also love post-its. 

2. I often use picture books to introuduce and discuss new topics and themes we will explore throughout the year. 

3. I am a pisces and therefore consider myself to be a "water" person. We got a boat this summer and I learned to wakeboard! 

4. I am positive and open-minded. 

5. My daughters, Mya and Ella, also go to LV. 

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Week 12: June 22-24

Week 12 (June 22-24)
Division 13

LAST CLASS ZOOM MEETING of the year: Wednesday, June 24th 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Devinette “Qui sui-je?” avec les photos de bébé. Zoom code is in your email.

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: Summer!  

1. Read/listen to the book: The Rules of Summer by Shaun Tan

2. Think about your own “Rules of Summer” and make a summer bucket list! What are all the things you want to do and accomplish this summer? Places to visit? Books to read? Activities to try?

3. Try some Madlibs online:

French Literacy
S’amuser en français

Jouer au Kahoot de Grace: Les drapeaux

BONUS – Ecris un dernier post sur Kidblog en francais. Quels sont vont plans d’été
1 . Explore la site web de Zone Jeunesse et decouvrir les vidéos et jeux en francais qui t’intéresse.

2. Lis sur Epic “Rien du tout” et "La plage"

3. Participe sur notre Zoom mercredi!
Concept: Games!

Try some of these online games to keep your Math skills sharp over the summer!

 Health and Wellness
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Week 11: June 15-19

Week 11 (June 15-19)
Division 13

Please send a baby photo if you have not already. Students please send me 3 clues in French as well to help your classmates guess who you are!

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 – On s’amuse avec les jeux!

La fete des pères c’est le 21 juin – J’ai envoyé un document avec des suggestions pour célébrer papa!

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Theme: Field Trips!

1. Go to this week’s virtual Bitmoji classroom:  Virtual Field Trips Around the World

2. Write a Kidblog post about your favourite place  that you visited on the virtual field trip OR about a place that you’ve actually visited or would like to visit.
French Literacy
Thème: le mois national des peuples autochtones au Canada.
-    Les contes et le legendes
-    L’eau et le cycle de l’eau

1. Envoyer moi 3 indices en français pour ton devinette de photo de bébé.
2.     2. Ecoute au moins une des cinqs histoires suivantes: Contes et légendes autochtones.
3. Lire sur Epic (assigned reading): Les enfants de l’eau

4.     4. Etudier ce diagramme sur le cycle de l’eau pour faire le Kahoot:

5. Jouer au Kahoot sur Le cycle de l’eau
GAME PIN: 08778758
Concept: Geometry – Part 2

MATH CHALLENGE – Watch lesson on Pythagorean Theorem and try some of the practice work! You can send me a message to let me know if you’ve tried as I’d love to know
Click this link for Math lessons and worksheets:  Math Antics for Div. 13

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lessons on Volume

2) Complete a minimum of 1 practice exercise or worksheet page for each concept

3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work.

 Health and Wellness
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week

Try one of these:
Star Wars inspired workout: Workout like a Jedi

EXTENSIONS OPPORTUNITIES – These are optional but you are encouraged to check them out and try something new!

Science – Check out this fun and interactive website all about water:

ART – Try this  Two hands, one heart drawing. Put this new heart drawing in your window!

Read aloud in English – James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
This read aloud is performed by various actors and actresses.
Episode 1 
Episode 2

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Anti-Racism Resources

In light of the rising protests on anti-racism after George Floyd's violent death in the United States, I've compiled some resources that celebrate Black culture and/or tackle the subject of racial injustice that you may find useful to help facilitate conversations around this topic:

Celebrate Black Culture collection of books assigned on Epic - These are not required reading but have assigned the collection as an option to read more on this topic.


Click on this link to listen to the story Something happened in our town

Video: The Roots of Racism in Canada

Short Doc: Freedo Summer

Kids Books Vancouver has extensive books lists about various topics:

Week 10: June 8-12

Week 10 (June 8-12)
Division 13

CLASS ZOOM MEETING: Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 – Ocean themed (Bring a paper and pencil )

Curriculum Area
Student Activity
English Literacy
Integration of Science and Socials
Theme: Oceans

Monday June 8th is World Oceans Day. In this week’s Virtual Under the Sea Classroom there are many links to explore this topic.

1.   Go to this week’s virtual Bitmoji classroom: Under the Sea

2.   Kidblog post: After checking out the different links on the virtual classroom, make a list of 10 interesting ocean facts and post on Kidblog.
French Literacy
Theme: le mois national des peuples autochtones au Canada.

1.     Ecoute la musique de 6 artistes autochtones – Il y a 6 chansons differentes. You have to scroll down the page to play each one. You can also read about each of the singers.  

2.    Regarde l’emission de ONIVA: Les premiers peuples

3.    Reponds aux questions sur l’emission ONIVA. (The worksheet is attached to your email and is also posted in Teams)

Concept: Geometry Continued

Click this link for Math lessons and worksheets:  Math Antics for Div. 13

*There are 2 videos to watch this week*

Grade 5&6
1) Watch lessons in Geometry-Part 2 for Perimeter AND for Area

2) Complete a minimum of 1 practice exercise or worksheet page for each concept

3)Do “I KNoW IT” Math “quiz” for Perimeter and for Area OR send me a picture or copy of your practice work.

 Health and Wellness
Get active for at least 30 minutes each day!

Activity of the week:

Ponder your Posture – Read these tips to help improve your posture

EXTENSIONS OPPORTUNITIES – These are optional but you are encouraged to check them out and try something new!

French – Read or listen to assigned books in French on Epic.

Science –Try this cool experiment “Make Ocean Zones in a Jar”

Math – Check out this cool online Tangram! Use the pieces to make different shapes. You can choose what you want to make from the options on the bottom! There are tons of different animals to try!

ART – We are working on making these cardboard masks over the next few weeks in class. You can make one too and share with everyone once you’re done!

Read aloud in English – James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
This read aloud is performed by various actors and actresses.
Episode 1 
Episode 2