Friday, 22 November 2019


What is a blog?

Blogs to check out:
Scholastic Kids Press
Childtastic: Blog about books
Mrs. Blakeway's Beyond Hello

Blog Posts: What to blog about?
Guidelines/criteria generated in class
Idea Book brainstorm
Finding ideas and inspiration

Types Of Blog Posts

Though you can certainly have overlap and combine multiple types into one, there are 10 types of blog posts you commonly see on the web:
1. Reflection – Deep thoughts and self-reflection on what you’ve learnt or what you’re thinking about. Putting it all out there can really help organize thoughts and ideas. Yu-Liang Shih’s reflection post and Andrea’s reflections on camp demonstrate how this style can be used as part of a student blog.
2. How-to/Helpful – The classic ‘how-to’ essay can be enhanced with pictures, videos, and other media. Alkkarose created a tutorial on how to create DIY bookmarks.
3. Journal/Diary/Recount – This is a versatile style of post that’s great for reading logs, field trips, science labs, special events, study abroad, etc. Molly recapped the Potato Olympics held at her school.
4. News/Announcement – These posts aim to keep readers up-to-date with important information. RIP Dabbing by Arielle and Goodbye Grade 7 by Kaiya are announcement posts.
5. Marketing/Sales – Typically these are commercial style posts. Students could use blogs to advertise school events and fundraisers etc. The students at Auroa School made a video to promote their school.
6. Controversial/Debate/Editorial – This involves taking a stance on an issue, while backing up thoughts with facts and proof. Examples include: Sidd’s debate on cell phones in schools, and Jackson’s Kids Watch Too Much TV.
7. Reviews – Think Amazon or TripAdvisor reviews. Students can review lessons, field trips, videos, books, games and more. Thanumi reviewed three websites for creating animated videos.
8. Resource/Reference – These are similar to the how-to posts, but something people might bookmark and come back to again and again. Elise’s list of keyboard shortcuts and Brooklyn’s collection of life hacks.
9. Ongoing Series – Choose any of the above, but split it up into several shorter posts that get published over a set period of time.
10. Curation Posts – Sometimes people use a blog post or page to curate a list of resources on a particular topic. Refer to Curation: Creatively Filtering Content by Sue Waters for more information.
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Sunday, 27 October 2019

Explorer l'espace

Projet: De la Terre à l'univers

Cliquez ici pour explorer Astronautes Juniors

1. Creez un "bio-cube" sur un astronaute canadien de ton choix. Utilisez la feuille de planification pour preparer ton cube. A remettre: mardi le 12 novembre
Les canadiens en espace

2. Utilisez power point pour creer une ligne de temps avec au moins 5 événements importants à l’exploration spatiale. Utilisez la feuille de planification pour preparer votre presentation. (a remettre mardi le 12 novembre)

NASA- Space missions

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Friday, 5 April 2019

La poésie

Brain pop - Jean de la Fontaine
La poesie c'est quoi?

poésie, poème, poète
synonymes et antonymes
similes et metaphores - comparaisons
la culture
les personnes
les emotions - la tristesse, l'amour
rhyme, rhythm
la musique
Jean de la Fontaine - poete francais
un fable "le Corbeau et le renard"

Monday, 25 February 2019

Friday, 8 February 2019

La culture quebecoise

Aujourd'hui c'est la 65e anniversaire du carnaval de Quebec:

Le Google Doodle :

Les chansons du carnaval:

Jouer les cuilleres en bois:

Aujourd'hui nous avons eu une presentation du Maple Man:

Vocab: La grande coulée

Cabane à sucre
déguster, la dégustation
le sirop
un chaudron
la tire d'érable
un seau
un chalumeau