Wednesday, 22 November 2017


Food Bank donations for November

Burnaby Village field trip on portal. Please let Madame know if your parent can drive/volunteer in planner or email.

Math - finish Revision 1 et 2

Overdue - Grown Up Rules Writing

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Google Doodle

1) Dessine/Invente un nouveau "Google Doodle" pour La Journee mondiale de l'enfance

2) Ecris un paragraphe. Consideres les questions suivantes pour aider rédiger ton paragraphe:

Quel est l'inspiration pour ton doodle? Explique tes choix/le theme)
Quel jour est honoré?
Quels sont les droits de l'enfant qui sont représentes par ton doodle? (La Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant).

*N'oublie pas la structure d'un paragraphe:
Phrase d'introduction
Phrases avec des details.
Phrase de conclusion (souvent lie a la phrase d'introduction).

Thursday, 9 November 2017


No school Friday or Monday. Enjoy your extra long weekend!

Conference Sign up times have been sent via email.

Food Bank donations for the month of November.

Gr 4/5 ski pass pamphlet sent home.

Gr. 4 -7 optional Mt. Seymour ski/snowboard trip on portal.

Overdue work - Please take home to complete for Tuesday.
Wonder poster
Grown up Rules Writing draft

Monday, 30 October 2017

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Take Me Outside Day 2017

Acknowledging that we are on the unceded, occupied, ancestral and traditional lands of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish),Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.

Thursday, 19 October 2017


No school for students tomorrow
Field trip on portal
Earthquake drill today
Interim report - sign and return

Read Wonder to p. 234
Grown Up Rules Writing Draft due Monday
Biographie graphic organizer

Monday, 16 October 2017


1.Visites le site web de Mary Glasgow:

2. Cliquer sur le tab "Language Lab"

3. Ajoute les codes suivants selon l'edition que tu lis:

Allons-y!: 83jmex
Bonjour: 3u72hp
Ca va?: wgk8pr


  • Photo Orders due tomorrow
  • Gr. 7 Fundraiser - Ice cream sandwiches for sale tomorrow $2.00
  • October 25th field trip on portal
  • Crazy Hair Day - Wednesday
  • Bring in headphones for school
  • No school for students on Friday (Pro-D day)
  • Library tomorrow
  • Cross-country practice tomorrow at lunch
  • Library helper forms

Corrections and final copy of "Mon autobiographie" due Thursday in Portfolios
Math Quiz - Thursday (Calcul mental, multiples de 10, estimation)

Thursday, 12 October 2017


Click on the link below to begin your Wonder Webquest:

Wonder Webquest

The Webquest is to be completed using the webquest packet provided in class. The web quest is to be completed by Friday, October 27th.
The final challenge will be explained and reviewed in class.

Happy questing!

Friday, 6 October 2017



No school Monday... Happy Thanksgiving!
Grade 6's - Immunization Form - Due back October 11th
Photo Proofs sent home today - Please return by October 17th
Retake day is October 25th (morning)


Wonder - Read up to part 5 and complete character analysis
Autobiographie - due mardi

Friday, 29 September 2017



Picture Day: Tuesday, October 3rd
Booster Juice - on portal
Cross-Country practices: Tuesday and Friday at lunch
Choir Mondays

Overdue - Terry Fox paragraph
WONDER - Read and complete to part 4 p. 133 for Monday

Friday, 22 September 2017


Please return portion of class newsletter with parent's preferred email contact.
Please complete SD42 online forms and permissions.

Pro-D day on Monday - no school for students

1. WONDER novel study: Read and complete questions up to p. 95
2. Autobiographie (in French): Complete plan d'ecriture

Friday, Sept. 29th - hot lunch and school wide Terry Fox Run

Booster Juice orders sent on portal.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Book Fair

Book Fair in the library this week:

Mon., Tues., & Fri. this week : 2:20 – 3:00
Thurs. : 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. At Open House
Tues. & Wed. next week : 2:20 – 3:00

You can also purchase books though our classroom Scholastic flyers. September orders are due by Thursday, Sept. 21st please.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Kindness Rocks!

Kindness Rock Project

Themes: Community, Kindness, Creativity, Inspiration

What is it?
Where do you have it?
How can you build/strengthen community?

Starts with you – Choose kind
How can we be kind? To ourselves and others?

Kid President: 20 things we should say more often:
VIRTUES – Kindness activities

Kindness Rock Painting:
Design and paint a rock to inspire and spread kindness in the community.

Art – use dots to create designs, patterns, images, words inspired by Kindness

Inspiration Rocks

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Field Trip

Paddling tomorrow

Meet at school for 8:30 to organize rides and leave.
Paddling from 9am - noon.
Bring lunch, water, sunscreen, hat, sturdy footwear.
We will be paddling in canoes/kayaks/dragon boats/voyageur canoes
Leave 12:30ish to return to school.

Launching boats at parking lot near Silver Bridge on Harris Road.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Year End Field Trips

Cultus Lake Field Trip - Thursday!!!
Arrive at school for 8:00 am. Busses leave at 8:15am
Return back to school for 3:30pm
Don't forget your lunch/water, sunscreen and towel!

Paddling Field Trip - Wed. June 28th!!!
Cost 25$
8:30 - 12:00 at Pitt Maeadows
Parent Drivers required and are welcome to paddle for 10$
Bring lunch to eat at picnic area after paddling.
Return to school for 1:30ish

Please Bring an extra bag tomorrow to begin year end cleanup.

Inflatable Rides tomorrow for 1$/each

Monday, 19 June 2017

Wonderopolis Camp

Visit the following link to sign up for Wonderopolis Camp this summer:

Camp Wonderopolis® is the free online summer-learning destinationropolis® is the free online summer-learning destination that's full of fun, interactive STEM and literacy-building topics boosted by Maker experiments!'s full of fun, interactive STEM and literacy-building topics boosted by Maker experiment

Friday, 16 June 2017

Master Kinney:

What is attitude? What is your attitude?


Wednesday, 31 May 2017


Cultus Lake Field Trip: June 22nd - Now on parent portal

Dictée "Le singe et le serpent" - due demain

Entrepreneur Fair - Booth design and marketing posters tomorrow

Library Books - due back Friday

Track & Field - ribbons handed out today
June 8th - grade 4/5
June 9th - grade 6/7

Thursday, 25 May 2017


Hot Lunch tomorrow
Year Book orders due tomorrow

Practice French speeches for in class presentations tomorrow and next week. 

Friday, 12 May 2017



Patati et Patata
Put your french speech onto cue cards
Finish your slide show
Practice speech and slide show together for coherence

Interim Reports - to be signed and returned

Entrepreneur Fair - Business plan and protype

Thursday, 11 May 2017


Laity View Carnival - tomorrow 4:30 - 7pm (rain or shine)
Booster Juice Day tomorrow

Please sign and return Interim Reports

OVERDUE - Rough drafts of french speech
Next week is practice week before in-class presentations on May 24 - 26th

School Supply Orders due May 18th

Intermediate Track & Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16th - Please come prepared with proper clothing and footwear and water, sunscreen etc.
High Jump practice tomorrow

Board Games with buddies tomorrow afternoon.

Happy Mother's Day weekend!!!

Friday, 5 May 2017


Interim report sent home today - Please sign and return

Student Vote - Monday, May 8th

Patati et Patata - Rough copy of french speech due Monday

Entrepreneur Fair - Business outline and prototype due Wednesday, May 10th

School supply orders due May 18th

A big THANK YOU to all of the students who collected money for this year's Math-a-thon! Bravo et Merci!!

Congratulations to Emma M. who's art was selected for the cover of this year's Yearbook. Order for yearbooks will be sent on the portal May 19th and will be on sale for one week only.

Thursday, 4 May 2017


On Monday, May 8th, students will be participating in Student Vote 2017. We are discussing and learning about Canada's governmental system using the resources provided by CIVIX.

To watch videos in English:

Tomorrow we will be learning more about the candidates and their associated political parties in preparation for our student vote on Monday. Please feel free to have discussions at home and/or bring any resources regarding this year's provincial election.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Hot lunch and class photos

English Novel Study - all assignments due Friday

French Patati et Patata - plan/outline and intro due Thursday

Monday, May 1st - Pro-D day

Pledges/funds collected due in May 5th

Laity View Carnival - May 12th
Raffle Basket donations still being collected.
Class theme is GOURMET
Parent volunteers still required to help at the carnival.

Pac Fundraisers
Rubber ducks for duck race
Spring Flower orders

Thursday, 20 April 2017

The Lorax and The Story of Stuff

Today we watched and discussed the following videos:

The Lorax

Topics and big ideas the are being discussed:

natural resources
production and consumerism
marketing and advertising
the environment and ecosystems
social responsibility and interconnectedness

Thursday, 13 April 2017


Due Tuesday

  • Novel Study: Journal Entry # 2
  • Math: Finish worksheet "les fractions equivalentes"
  • Published copy of poems:
    • 1. Le calligramme
    • 2. The Seaside
  • Patati et Patata - Decide on a topic

Completed Novel Study due April 28th
Google Doodle - Must be submitted by May 2nd (optional)
Math-a-thon - practice for test day April 24th
Carnival Donations (Theme:Gourmet)

Joyeuse Pâques!!!

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Google Doodle Project

Google Doodle Project Information:

Deadline May 2nd

Patati et Patata

Expose oral: Patati et Patata
Critères :

Nombre de diapositif
Durée des diapos
Durée totale
5e - Monalisa
15 secondes
3 minutes
6e - Russet
20 secondes
5 minutes

Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Un discours oral en français devant public qui est présenté a l’aide des diapositifs (images a l’écran). On peut utiliser un microphone au besoin, on peut se déplacer sur la scène et on peut faire des mouvements avec les mains!

Comment préparer et planifier mon Patati et Patata?

Date de remise
Choisir un theme/”une histoire” à raconter
Faire un plan
le 19 avril
Brouillon de discours
a.     Introduction
b.     Développement
c.     Conclusion

Intro - le 26 avril

Discours complet – le 3 mai
Sélectionner des images
le 10 mai
Arrangement final du discours et images
le 15 mai
Pratiquez, pratiquez et pratiquez encore
le 15 mai – 19 mai
Présentations en classe
Mai 24, 25, 26, 29, 30

Spectacle final au gymnase – vendredi, le 2 juin, 2017