Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Cypress Field Trip on portal
Bring candy to decorate gingerbread houses tomorrow
Math Quiz tomorrow (2 digit by 2 digit multiplication)

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Cypress Field Trip

Cypress Field Trip on the portal: Snowshoeing & Tubing

Cost: 40.00$
When: Jan. 14th
Transportation is by bus

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Dec. 14-18th

Monday - Inquiry Projects due. Students will be sharing their projects in small groups in class.

Tuesday - Students will be watching dressing rehearsal of a "Gingerbread Christmas" musical 11- noon.

Wednesday - Students will be watching dress rehearsal of "A Holiday Moosical" 11 - noon.

Thursday - Graham cracker "gingerbread house" decorating with little buddy class. Students to bring in a small bag of candy for decorating.

Friday - Class P.J. Day and Christmas celebration activities. School wide sing-a-long 10:45

Wednesday, 9 December 2015


Field Trip tomorrow afternoon to Rev`s Bowling
Thanks to all parent drivers who have volunteered. Please be at the school at 12:30 so students may leave as soon as they come in from lunch hour.

Coins for Kids drive this week

Reading Link Challenge - Optional participation. Please have forms signed by your parents and then hand in to be signed by me.

Math - 2 by 2 digit multiplication. Practice/review at home.

Monday, 7 December 2015


Inquiry Project - class time tomorrow afternoon to work on project

Bowling Field Trip - Thursday afternoon

Friday, 4 December 2015


Bowling Field Trip - next Thursday afternoon

Inquiry Project - Step 3 next week. Organize and prepare your research to present. Bring any supplies needed to work on project at school.

Thursday, 3 December 2015


"Spare your change to create change" - next week.  LV leadership Coin Drive for Maple Ridge Chrismas Hamper

Inquiry Project - Finish research and begin summarizing and planning putting your project together

Bowling Field Trip permission - more parent drivers still needed :)

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


Bowling Field Trip - Dec.10

Math yellow worksheet due tomorrow