Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Lice Forms due back tomorrow
Yellow student verification forms - sign & return a.s.a.p
Treat day orders
Booster Juice orders

Picture Day nest week - Tuesday, October 6th

Math - finish worksheet p. 9 "ecrire les equations"
QUIZ - jeudi

P.E. demain

Monday, 28 September 2015


Finish Math worksheet p. 12 (lecon 7)
Finish writing DRAFT of your Secret Grown Up Rule

Student Verification Forms
Please verify that all info on these forms is updated and correct. Please sign and return as soon as possible even if no changes are required. 

Schedule Reminders
Library Exchange - Mondays
P.E. - Monday & Wednesday
Computers - Tuesday & Friday

Friday, 25 September 2015


Finish Math p.27 #1-4

Library Helper Forms - due Monday

P.E. - Mondays & Wednesdays

Please not that effective immediately, any student absences are required to be communicated to the office. They may be contacted by phone at 604-463-7108 or email at: lv_reception@sd42.ca 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

School wide Terry Fox Run - Friday at 1pm

Terry Fox Run - Friday at 1pm
Bring a ``toonie for Terry`` - donations for cancer research are being accepted

Treat Day Order
Booster Juice Order
Lice forms
Scholastic Order

Monday, 21 September 2015


PRO-D DAY tomorrow - no school for students

Forms and Permissions:
Earthquake Kits (Form sent home with those that still need it)
Booster Juice (Yellow)
Treat day (Blue)
Lunch Lady
Scholastic - due Friday

Homework Challenge:
Literary Device research - Find 2 similes and 2 metaphors used in song lyrics

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


LV Choir Gr. 3-6 

Earthquake kits
Treat Day forms
Lice forms
Inside shoe
Scholastic order

Monday, 14 September 2015


Finish paragraph "What pet would I get?" for tomorrow
Complete multiplication table

To hand in:
Scholastic orders
Lice permission forms
Planner fee ($6.00)
Treat day orders

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Googe Doodle

Le Google doodle d'aujourd`hui honore la 22ieme anniversaire de la baguette!!! Mmmmm!!

22nd Anniversary of the Baguette's official recognition

Thursday, 10 September 2015


First week checklist
  • $6.00 for planner (on portal)
  • school supplies
  • inside shoes
  • Treat day form

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Bienvenue :)

Bienvenue a une nouvelle annee scolaire!!!
5ieme avec Mme Homeniuk, Div. 13, Rm. 1068

Planners sent home today - $6.00 fee to be paid on portal
Treat Day form 

I will send home a newsletter at the end of the week with more detailed information.

Students are required to bring in basic supply list in addition to the following items:
6-8 duotangs
1 box of kleenex
2-4 fine liners and/or black sharpies
ear buds for computer lab

Inside shoes are required for P.E. tomorrow