Monday, 22 June 2015

Last Week of School

Yearbooks for sale at the office for $15.00

Please take P.E. strip home today

Class movie, pj`s and popcorn!

Theme Day - Hawaiian Day
Last day of school for students, 12:00 p.m. dismissal
Final Report Cards & Earthquake kits sent home on Wednesday

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Year Books home today

Hot lunch
Desk clean out tomorrow - bring a bag to take supplies home 

Last P.E. class of the year
Last Little Buddies of the year

Class movie, pj`s and popcorn!

Theme Day - Hawaiian Day
Last day of school for students, 12:00 p.m. dismissal
Final Report Cards sent home on Wednesday

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Cultus Field Trip


Buses leave school promptly at 8:30 am
Buses will leave Cultus at 1:30 to return to school for 2:30pm

Remember to bring towel, bathing suit, change of clothes, sunscreen, hat, lunch and water. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


Idiom Plays - Presentations on Friday with little buddies

Overdue Library Books

Spelling tomorrow

Talent Show tomorrow afternoon

Tennis balls for tomorrow

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


Idiom Plays - Presentations on Friday with little buddies

Fire Safety Presentation - Home Fire Escape Plan to discuss with your families

Overdue Library Books

Monday, 8 June 2015


*Cultus Lake Permission/$13.00
* Tennis balls for juggling

This Week at a Glance:
Fire Safety Presentation - Tuesday
Gr. 5 - Endangered Species Presentation/Gr. 6 - Science Activity - Wednesday
Martial Arts - Wednesday
Talent Show - Thursday
Spelling Test (-ion) - Thursday
Class Luncheon on Dumore's - Friday

Next Week at a Glance:
Cultus Lake Waterslides - Wed. June 17th 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015


To bring:
Tennis balls for tomorrow
Favourite books for Thursday
Favourite games for Friday

To study:
Math for test tomorrow
Spelling -ion for next Thursday

Cultus Field Trip permission
Yearbook orders

Monday, 1 June 2015

This Week...

TRACK & FIELD: This week
Thursday, June 4th - grade 4 and 5`s
Friday, June 5th - grade 6 and 7`s
Any students participating in this event need to get their forms into M. Tremblay

YEARBOOK Orders - On sale this week only $15.00

FIELD TRIP: Cultus Lake Waterslides - June 17th $13.00
Permission on portal

- Math Quiz (measurement)
- Bring in 3 tennis balls (new or used to make your own set of juggling balls
- Share and present Science projects and commercials for your extreme environment

Class Year End Lunch
On Friday, June 12th our class will be walking over to the Dumore`s (Madison`s house) located on 124th Avenue for a class year end lunch. Lunch will be provided for students this day. We will walk over as a group and be leaving the school at 11:00 am and return for 2:20 dismissal.