French Speech (Final draft) - due Friday, Feb. 6th
In class presentations for all students will take place the week of Feb. 16-20th and the school wide Concours will be on March 3rd.
Math - finish worksheet for tomorrow. QUIZ on THURSDAY.
Genius Hour tomorrow - come prepared to research
Purdy`s Easter fundraiser for Kenya Field Trip
Scholastic orders fur Feb. 6th
Cypress Field Trip Update - Due to lack of snow, this field trip will unfortunately be cancelled. Any payments made already will be refunded. We will not be rescheduling this particular field trip however there will be other field trips planned throughout the rest of the year. Thank you.
No P.E. tomorrow due to Maple Man presentation in gym.
Global School Play Day tomorrow - An hour of our day will be dedicated to this day to promote child lead ``face-to-face`` play. (You are welcome to bring in a game of your choice but no technology will be permitted).
1. Independent Novel Study - finished novel and completed booklet
2. Signed Passion Project Proposal - Students should not be researching
(collecting and gathering information related to inquiry question)