Thursday, 29 May 2014


Last day for yearbook orders tomorrow

Identity Fair - Tuesday (Project must be completed for sharing)

No P.E. tomorrow. 

No school Monday due to job action

Thursday, May 29th, 2014
Dear parents,
Identity Fair
As you know the students have been working hard to complete their Genius Hour projects to be shared at our school wide “Identity Fair”. We just wanted to remind parents that you are invited to come and visit all classes during the afternoon on Tuesday, June 3rd from 1-2 pm. The intermediate students will also have chance to circulate and view other classes projects earlier throughout the day.
The purpose behind this school wide event is to give students the opportunity to share in exploring their passions with others, to build community and to promote the curiosity and the process of inquiry.
Laity View Arcade
Another upcoming event for students is our “Laity View Arcade”. The students will be planning and building their own arcade games primarily constructed from cardboard and tape. Students will begin by participating in a building day on Tuesday, June 10th and on June 17th will have the games set up in classes for students to circulate and “play”.
The school is seeking donations of the following supplies for this event:
·         Cardboard (all shapes and sizes)
·         Scissors & box cutters
·         Duct tape & masking tape
·         Glue, glue guns & glue sticks
Thank you,
Laity View Intermediate Staff

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Genius Projects - Presentations on Friday
 For your presentation you need to:
1. Present your question
2. Share what you have learned? What is your main "take away" from researching your question? You may also include more details or share more about the process.

Biblio demain

City of Ember : Reading Response # 1 & 2 , and character cinquain poem due Monday

La B-D (personnages) - lundi

Math test (fractions & decimals) returned

Monday, 26 May 2014


1. Genius Hour presentations - Friday

2. No school for students tomorrow

3.  City of Ember: Finish reading responses if you have not already

The occupations of Lina and her friends are decided by a chance from draw of paper from a bag. Imagine that you are one of the young people picking a job. Describe the job you would want most and tell what you would like about it. Then describe the job you would want the least and tell why it would not suit you.

On p. 37, the chief guard, Redge Stabmark says to Lina, ``curiosity leads to trouble``. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? How do you think this statement might be foreshadowing events that may happen later in the novel?

Friday, 23 May 2014


Yearbook order form - due May 30th

Genius Hour Presentations - Friday, May 30th

Math Test - re-scheduled for Monday

Reading Response Question #1 "Assignment Day" - on Kidblog

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Bibliotheque demain

Track & Field tomorrow for Gr. 5 - 800m at Volker Park: Girls at recess, Boys at lunch

Sciences - brochure de santé pour vendredi

Maths - Test sur les fractions et nombres décimaux - vendredi

Please hand in your digestive system stories a.s.a.p - they were due today

Information regarding Genius Hour project evaluations can be found in GENIUS HOUR TAB/PAGE on our class website.

Friday, 16 May 2014


1. Digestive system story due Wed. May 21st. Please include criteria sheet when you hand in. Assignment may be typed or hand written.

2. Science brochure - due Friday, May 23rd. Please include criteria sheet when you hand in.

3. Genius Hour - Projects due Friday, May 30th.You need to plan how your inquiry is going to be presented.

4. Math - Finish worksheet on adding and subtracting decimal numbers (p.91) for Wed.

5. . No school Monday or Tuesday....enjoy your extra long weekend :)

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Spirit Day tomorrow - Mustache Day

Genius Hour projects - in-class presentations on Friday, May 30th
*** These projects will also be shared for our school-wide Identity Fair on Tuesday, June 3rd

Sciences - Brochure de sante pour le 23 mai
                - Digestive System story - due Wednesday, May 21st

Spell-a-thon Assembly - Friday afternoon

Track Day tomorrow afternoon - water, sunscreen, appropriate clothing and footwear.

No school on Monday or Tuesday next week.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Digestive System assignment

Digestive System: Creative Writing
Goal: To write a creative and descriptive story incorporating scientific information about the digestive system from the point of view of the food being digested.


Creativity/Description: captivating title, adjectives, five senses, etc.

1            2             3              4              5

Organization: paragraphs, logical development

1            2             3              4              5
Scientific info: describes 5 stages of digestion from mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine to large intestine.

1            2             3              4              5
Effort: revised and edited
1            2             3              4              5




Science: Brochure de sante - le 23 mai

Brochure de santé
Le projet: L’objectif
Créer une brochure pour inciter les gens à faire des choix pour promouvoir l`importance de garder son corps en santé.
Évaluation : Qu`est-ce qu`il faut inclure?
Couverture qui attire l’attention
1        2         3          4          5
Sondage et graphique
1        2         3          4          5
Sante alimentaire : Information qui incite les gens de bien manger ou boire et visuelle
1        2         3          4          5
Sante émotionnelle : Information qui incite les gens de prendre soin de leur sante émotionnelle/mentale ex. le repos, l`amitié, le stress, pression, etc. et visuelle
1        2         3          4          5
Sante physique : Information qui incite les gens d`être actifs et visuelle
1        2         3          4          5
Créativité, originalité, effort, etc.
1        2         3          4          5

Monday, 12 May 2014


Finish Math worksheet #1-4 for tomorrow

Mustache Day - Thursday

Track Day - Thursday afternoon

Sciences - Brochure de sante due Friday, May 23rd

Genius Hour projects due  Friday, May 30th

Friday, 9 May 2014


Happy Mother's Day on Sunday.

Edupac orders (school supplies) were due today - bring in late orders by Monday

Thanks  to all of the students who collected money for Spellathon - prize assembly will take place next Friday.

Genius Hour Projects - Final due date for in-class presentations: Friday, May 30th. Students will be sharing their projects on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 3rd for Identity Fair.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Photo de classe a la maison

No garbage day - Thursday

New Scholastic order forms (June)

Spell a thon money - due Friday

Monday, 5 May 2014


1. Spell a thon - pledge money due Friday, May 9th

2. No Garbage Day - Thursday

3. Idiom plays- present tomorrow