Friday, 25 April 2014


Spellathon - challenge words test Monday (and make-up tests for any that were missed)

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Annie field trip to the ACT tomorrow. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to drive. We will eat our lunch in class early and plan to leave the school at 11:45. Please be back at the ACT by 2pm to return to the school.

Class photos tomorrow - I have requested to have our photo taken earlier in the day before we leave for the field trip.

Jeans Day tomorrow

Spell-a-thon test part 4 tomorrow - French words #76-100

Genius Hour topics/question should be decided by Friday.

Booster Juice day - Friday

Spring flowers due tomorrow
Make-a-Bear - due May 1st

Thursday, 17 April 2014


No school Friday or Monday.

Spellathon test part 3 - Tuesday, April 22nd English words 26- 50

Genius Hour letter and topic approval - due Tuesday

Math review/practice - comparing and ordering simple fractions

Finish idiom illustration - due Tuesday

Thursday, April 17th, 2014
Dear Parents,
This term in English students are learning to develop their sense of curiosity through the process of inquiry. We have been busy practicing how to ask deep questions of inquiry during our “Genius Hour” time in class. “Genius Hour” is time set aside each week where students can study what they want to learn, something they are passionate about and or a new skill. “Genius Hour” sparks curiosity and students learn about something they are personally interested in.
I thought “Genius Hour” time would the perfect time to complete their Identity Fair Project (a school wide event in June). Most of this will be done in class, however depending on topic of inquiry students may be required to complete their project at home as well.   I have asked the students to research a topic of study that they have always wanted to learn more about. Your child has narrowed down their topic and has written the “question of inquiry” they plan to answer on their planning page. I encourage students to document the process of learning throughout their research using a journal, field guide, photos, etc. Please take the time to sign and read their proposal and discuss any changes you might suggest to help them with their project.
Also, note that any materials needed to create their project must be brought to school beyond what I can provide from school (ie. stand up presentation boards, any unusual materials they might need if they plan on making something, etc…). Materials do not need to be at school yet, as we will be only starting the research portion of the project next week.
Thank you for taking the time to review your child’s Genius Hour project proposal.
Have a great Easter long weekend!

Mme N. Homeniuk

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Spellathon test - part 2 Thursday mots # 51-75 en francais
Pledges will not be collected until May 1st after the whole test has been completed

Pizza Day - Thursday

Annie permission - still need a few more parent drivers....please :)

Jeans Day - April 24th donations

Monday, 14 April 2014


Spellathon test #1 tomorrow - English words #1-25

Pizza Day - Thursday

No school Friday or Monday - Easter Long Weekend

Friday, 11 April 2014


Practice English Speech - last group presents Monday

Jeans Day - April 24th

Annie Field trip - Still need parent volunteer drivers please

Spell-a-thon words home today. The test will be broken into 5 parts:

Test words
Tuesday, April 15th

#1-25 English
Thursday, April 17th

# 51-75 French
Tuesday, April 22nd

# 26 – 50 English
Thursday, April 24th

# 76 – 100 French
Monday, April 28th

Challenge words
English and French

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


1. Practice English Speech

2. Annie field trip permission on portal

3. Family Zumba night- Thursday

4. Family movie night (Frozen) - Friday

5. Spring Flower fundraiser

6. Scholastic - due April 17th

7. Math Quiz (equivalent fractions) - Thursday

Monday, 7 April 2014


1. In class Public Speaking:

Thursday, April 10th
Friday, April 11th
Monday, April 14th

Ethan P.
Jordan P.
Ethan g.
Jordan M.

2. Backwards Day tomorrow

3. Field Trip permission on portal for ANNIE jr. - Thurs. April 24th (cost 8$ and requires parent drivers)

4. Family movie night (Frozen) - Friday

5. Mad Science flyer

Friday, 4 April 2014


1. English Speeches - present next Thurs and Friday

2. Backwards Day (spirit day) - Tuesday

3. Scholastic due April 17th

Thursday, 3 April 2014


1. Practice English speech

2. Bibilotheque demain

3. Hot Lunch demain - pizza

4. Ed. phys. demain

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


1. Practice English Speech

2. Biblio - vendredi

3. Hot lunch (pizza) - Friday

4. Scholastic - due April 17th

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


1. Practice English Speech

2. Ideas for Genius Hour - Thursday

3. New scholastic - due April 17th

4. Hot lunch day