Friday, 28 February 2014

Conference Schedule

Monday, March 3rd
Wednesday, March 5th
Thursday, March 6th
Friday, March 7th

8:00 Aden

8:30  Libby

8:50  Madison

9:10  Samira

9:30  Ethan G.

9:50  Gabby


10:30  Opal



11:30  Jordyn


12:30 Christian

12:50  Julia
12:40  Darius

1:10  Brecken
1:10  Kayle

1:30  Abby

1:50 Eric

2:10  Jordan M.
2:30 Tatiana
2:30 Owen

2:30 Olivia
2:50 Brooke
2:50  Cheyanna

3:10 Damian
3:10  Abby

3:30 Ethan P.
3:30  Lily

3:30 Kelsey
 3:50 Jordan P.
3:50  Afton

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Pro- D day tomorrow - No school for students

English speech - outline/intoduction/conclusion (draft) for Monday

Portfolios home today to review and fill out pink form (set goal). Please return Monday as conferences will be taking place throughout all of the week.

Congratulations to Jordan M., Abby & Darius who have been selected to participate in the grade 5 semi-final for the Concours d'art oratoire. Good Luck!

Monday, 24 February 2014


Pratique le discours:
demain: Libby, Abby, Opal, Darius, Julia, Maddy, Samira, Ethan P., Afton
mercredi: Liam, Tatiana, Brecken, Damian, Lily, Jordan M, Eric, Aden
jeudi: Jordyn, Cheyanna, Kayle, Owen, Kassia, Christian, Olivia, Jordan P.

English Speech Outline and Introduction due Monday, March 3rd.

Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday

Conference confirmation times home today

Friday, 21 February 2014


PRATIQUE le discours:
Lundi c`est Gabby, Ethan P., Aden, Ethan G. et Brennan qui presentent.

Finish Creative Writing story for Monday.

Olympics:Live Gold Medal Hockey match Sunday at 4am!!! Closing Ceremonies on Sunday!

Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday
Pro-D Day - Friday
Portfolios home Thursday
Conference confirmation to be sent home Monday

Thursday, 20 February 2014


1. Math Quiz demain (perimètre et aire)

2. RED & WHITE DAY tomorrow! SHow your Canadian pride! Olympics end on Sunday.

3. Pratique discours. Presentation la semaine prochaine!

Booster Juice demain

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


1. Pratique discours

2. Bibliotheque demain

3. Conference sign up update. I will send confirmations home as soon as I have most forms returned. As of now, most times that are left available are for Friday afternoon.

Thursday, 13 February 2014


1. Je presente mon discours le ______ février (24, 25 , 26 ou 27)

2. Apporte rouge et rose demain

3. Echange de cartes demain

3. CPF French film next Wed. Feb. 19th 8:45 - 11:45

4.Scholastic Order (February) due tomorrow

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


1. Put French Speech on cue cards for Friday, In class speeches will take place Feb. 24-27th.

2. Spirit Day Friday - Pink and Red day (Valentine`s Day)

3. Creative Kaos info card - Creative Kaos was in our class to do an art project on Emily Carr`s trees.

Booster Juice orders due Friday
Pancake Day orders due Feb. 24th

Thursday, 6 February 2014


1.We are love buttons - last day to purchase tomorrow for 2$

2. No school Monday (Family Day)

3. French speeches will be handed back Tuesday to put on cue cards and practice

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Cypress Mountain Snowshoe & Tubing Field Trip Tomorrow!

Please be prepared to leave the school by 8:15am. Also please come prepared to spend the whole day outside in the very cold weather. Please make sure you have gloves, tuques, snow pants, winter boots or hiking boots and a warm jacket. Also dress in layers of possible. Bring water and your lunch! Reminder that our bus is expected to return to Laity View at approximately 3:30 pm.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Choose one activity to complete from each section.      
Section 1 : Reflection   /10
1.       Choose a character from the novel and write a diary entry that he/she might have written. Remember, you become the character. Try to think and write like him/her.
2.       Pretend you are the author and you are being interviewed about your book. What part of the book do you feel is the:
A)Most humourous?  B) most exciting?   C)most interesting?      D) saddest?
If you were to rewrite the book what would you change? Why?
3.       Write a letter to one of the characters in the story commenting on what happened to him/her or asking why he/she did something and how you feel about their actions.
4.       If the story had a moral or a lesson, explain it.
5.       Choose a character form the story. Compare and contrast this character with yourself or another character from another novel.
6.       Complete a plot rollercoaster or the 5 elements of a story worksheet.
7.       Compare and contrast your story with another one by the same author.
Section 2: Vocabulary Connections  /10
1.       Choose 5 interesting action verbs and 5 descriptive adjectives and use each in a meaningful sentence.
2.       List examples of similes and/or metaphors used in the book.
3.       Choose 10 unfamiliar words from the book. Using a dictionary write the correct meanings beside each word.
4.       Make a crossword puzzle or word search using a minimum of 20 words form the story.
5.       Compile a list of “invented” words that Roald Dahl uses in his stories.
Section 3: Creation  /10
1.       Draw a cartoon to represent a character or scene.
2.       Draw an cartoon action strip shows the main events of the story. (Beginning, problem, rising action, climax, solution)
3.       If there is a villain in the story, make a wanted poster for him/her.
4.       Design a magazine advertisement or a poster for the book.
5.       Design a new book jacket…don’t forget to include a summary on the back without spoiling the end.
6.       Make a character cube with important information about a character from your story.
Total    /30                               


1. We are love buttons on sale this week at recess and lunch for $2 each.

2. Mountain safety handout for Cypress mountain field trip on Wednesday.

3. Novel activities due tomorrow

4. QUIZ de grammaire jeudi - le passé composé

5. Pancake Day order due Feb.24th

6. Scholastic Orders due Tues. Feb. 11th