Wednesday, 17 December 2014


PJ Day & Gingerbread house decorating tomorrow - please bring in small bag of candy to decorate

Copy of report card home today

Reading Day Friday - Wear your comfy's and please bring small plate of treats to share.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


  • Carte et cadeau a la maison aujourd'hui
  • Yellow portal letter
  • Secret Santa Gift Exchange tomorrow

Monday, 15 December 2014


Tomorrow`s Schedule:

9:00 - 10:15 First Concert Performance

10:15-10:30 Recess

11:20-11:45 Lunch recess

!!;45 - 12:00 Eat lunch

12:30 - 2:00 Second Concert Performance

* Don`t forget Secret Santa Exchange on Wednesday
*Gingerbread House decorating & PJ day on Thursday
* Reading Day Extravaganza on Friday

Thursday, 11 December 2014


Hot Lunch tomorrow - PIZZA

December update newsletter home:

December Update
Next Week at a Glance:
Monday, December 15th – Concert rehearsal and Christmas craft
Tuesday, December 16th - Concert Performances A.M.  & P.M.
Wednesday, December 17th – Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Thursday, December 18th – Gingerbread House making with little buddies. Please have bring a small bag of candy to decorate houses & Sing-a-long
Friday, December 19th – Reading Day/PJ Day. Please wear your comfy clothes or pj’s , bring a small plate of goodies, a mug & lots to READ!!! See reverse for more details

The students have expressed interest in doing a Secret Santa gift exchange. We will do the exchange in class on Wednesday, December 17th. Students did a random “hat draw” for the classmate that they are to buy for. Please have your child bring a “secret” wrapped gift of approximate 5$ value for our class gift exchange on this day.
Mme Homeniuk

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Monday, 8 December 2014


A copy of reports from conferences will be sent home before the break.

Kids Helping Kids - donations will be accepted this week

Biblio demain

Medical Forms sent home - to be returned a.s.a.p. Thank You


Monday, Dec. 15th - concert dress rehearsal

Tuesday, Dec. 16th - Christmas concert (a.m. & p.m. performances)

Thursday, Dec. 18th - Gingerbread houses with little buddies

Friday, Dec. 19th - Last Day: Reading Day: Pj`s, treats, mugs & BOOKS!!!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Etude de mots - Contes a bulles (pour mercredi)

Black & White Spririt Day - Friday

Pink shirt & Purdy`s orders due Friday

Action Schools Student Leadership training - Friday. Please come prepared to be active indoors with proper clothing and footwear.

Memorize lines for Christmas skit AND familiarize yourself with entire skit for timing...

Portfolios home tomorrow

Rafiki Chains and Poinsettia orders home today

BOOKFEST permission

Monday, 24 November 2014


Last week for FOOD DRIVE donations...

Black & White spirit Day Friday

Biblio demain

Friday, 21 November 2014


Math Quiz - lundi

Dear parents/guardians,

The grade five and six students of division 3 and 13 have been busy collaborating on an exciting new project for this year’s Christmas concert! The students are excited to be presenting “Breaking News” vignettes based on a fictional situation that has arisen in the North Pole. The process of creating these skits is entirely student led including: character development, script writing, staging, directing, performing, recording and editing. Each group’s skits will be recorded and shown on screen throughout the concert instead of the more traditional live performance of a song. Students will not appear on-stage and the scenes will appear intermittently as “live broadcasts from the North Pole” throughout the concert during transitions between performances.  This students are enthusiastic about this unique opportunity and although will not be performing live, they are still making a valuable contribution in the Arts to this year’s Laity View concert scheduled for Tuesday, December 16th.


Mme Homeniuk and Mrs. Bailey

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Conference Sign up confirmations home today - Original notice re-sent with highlighted time is your confirmed time. Thank You :)

Food Bank Donations

Math Quiz Friday - estimation, multiples of 10, multiplication

Monday, 17 November 2014


Biblio demain

Purdy`s & T-shirt orders due Nov. 28th

Scholastic due Friday

Friday, 14 November 2014


Poinsettia orders - due Monday, Nov. 17th
Purdy`s - due
Pink T-shirt orders - due Nov. 28th

Scholastic (December) - due Nov. 21st

Lunch Lady Forms (Optional)

*Please return Conference sign up preferences a.s.a.p. - confirmations will be sent home next week.

Projet sur les inventions
Dear Diary and 1 Reading Response

Thursday, 13 November 2014


Last day to purchase Rafiki chains tomorrow

English: Reading Response and Dear Diary assignments due tomorrow

Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Conference sign up sent home today. Please return as soon as possible along with any interim reports that have not yet been returned (these will be added to student's portfolios).

Skating Field Trip tomorrow 12:40 - 2:20. Thank you to all the parents that are able to drive :)

Cupstacking competition - tomorrow at 9:30

Dear Diary assignment and Reading Responses for Graphic Novel study due Friday

Math concepts being learned: Multiplying by multiples of 10, mental math and estimation strategies 

REMINDER: Food drive & PAC fundraisers

Friday, 7 November 2014



Pas d`école lundi ni mardi

Etude de mots pour mercredi

Dear Diary character project - due Friday

 Cupstacking and Skating next Thursday

Thanks to all families that have brought in food donations so far - Keep them coming for the entire month of November :)

Thursday, 6 November 2014


Hot Lunch (pizza) tomorrow

Pictures home today

Skating Permission - still in need of some parent drivers :)

No school Monday or Tuesday next week.

Etude de mots (les verbes) - a remettre mercredi

Graphic Novel Character Activity "Dear Diary" due next Friday

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Grade 6 immunizations are tomorrow morning.

Fundraisers: Rafiki chains, Neufeld Farms, Purdy`s, Poinsettia orders.... Bring is a.s.a.p.

Hot lunch day - Friday


Skating Permission - due Friday

Remembrance Day assembly - Friday @ 10:45

One completed graphic novel response (before, during, after) due tomorrow
Etude de mots (les verbes) - due Wed. Nov. 12
Math worksheet p.66 #3&4 to complete for tomorrow if not done today

CUPSTACKING DAY- We will do our stacking on Thurs. Nov. 13 at 9:30 am as we have skating field trip in the afternoon

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Grade 6 immunizations Thursday at 8:45

Rafiki chain fundraiser - $10 pre-sale Nov. 4-14th at recess and lunch in front of library

Skating Field Trip - Thursday. Nov. 13th 1pm
*** Requires parent drivers please***

Fundraisers: Purdy`s, Neufled Farms, Family Photo night

Pink Shirt order forms

Grade 5 Active pass and snow pass applications sent home today 

Speed Stack or Scholastic orders due Nov. 12

Monday, 3 November 2014


Math test -  /27 take home to review as needed

Library exchange cancelled for tomorrow due to Have Books Will Travel Public Library Presentation

English Graphic Novel Study - Finish at least one novel and complete Before/During/After Reponses for Thursday.

Food donations

Etude de mots pour demain

Grade 6 "Stay Active Pass" applications sent home today

Overdue assignments:
English story
Invention project

Friday, 31 October 2014


Invention projects due Monday.

Bring in your food donations for Friends In Need Food Bank.

Please return your signed Interim Reports.

Safe trick-or-treating!!!

Thursday, 30 October 2014


Interim Report sent home today. Please sign and return.

Halloween Dance tomorrow afternoon - Bring in a loonie or toonie for fundraiser donation.You can wear your costume all day. Reminder no weapons to be brought to school.

Good Copy of your mystery story is due tomorrow :)

Invention project - due Monday

Etude de mots - due Tuesday

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


WALKING ACTIVITY TOMORROW RAIN OR SHINE. We will be walking to the dyke between recess and lunch tomorrow to participate in the "Take Me Outside" challenge.

Optional forms, fundraisers, etc. to be returned:
  • Scholastic orders due Friday, Nov. 7th
  • Neufeld Farms Fundraiser
  • Gr. 6 Immunization Forms
  • Booster Juice or Treat Day

1. Math Quiz Thursday - Review concepts as needed (Multiples, factors, prime & composite numbers, prime factorization)

2. English Mystery story - good copy due Friday

3. Mini-research project "les inventions" - due Monday

***REMINDER : Our division is responsible for collecting FOOD BANK DONATIONS for the month of NOVEMBER***

Monday, 27 October 2014


Bibliotheque demain

Math Quiz Thursday

Good Copy of mystery story due Friday

Halloween dance Friday afternoon

Les inventions - projet a remettre lundi

Bonus*** livret de l'Halloween pour vendredi

Wednesday we will be walking down to the dykes for "Take Me Outside" day. Please come dressed for the weather as we will participate in this activity RAIN or SHINE!

Some links from today:

Thursday, 23 October 2014


1. On Wednesday, October 29th, our class will be participating in TMO day.

2. For the month of November our division is one of many responsible for collecting food donations for the Friends In Need Foodbank. Each division is assigned a month throughout the school year.

3. Halloween Dance Fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders aiding with Ebola outbreak. Students are encouraged to bring in a toonie or loonie.



1. Good copy of Harris Burdick mystery story due Friday, October 31st (to be completed at home)

2. Les inventions - projet due lundi le 3 novembre

3. Math Quiz - next thursday. Review concepts at home: les facteurs, les multiples, les nombres premiers et composes, les arbres de facteurs (les facteurs premiers)

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Creative Kaos Art

 Our BEAUTIFUL water colour paintings!!!


Student verification form tomorrow

Review Math concepts - Quiz next week

Projet de recherche - le 3 nov.

Gr. 6 - HEP B info seesion tomorrow at 8:30

Pro-D day Friday - no school for students

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Creative Kaos art workshop tomorrow morning 8:30 - 9:30 (in-class)

Ed. Phys. demain

Projet "les inventions" - le 3 nov.

Bring back purple student verification form a.s.a.p. s.v.p :)

Pas d'ecole vendredi

Monday, 20 October 2014


  • Biblio demain
  • Projet: Les inventions - le 3 nov.
  • Math review: multiples, factors, prime and composite numbers
  • Reminder: Pro-D day Friday, no school for students
  • To hand in asap if you haven`t already:
      •  Booster juice orders 
      • Creative Kaos $6.00
      • Signed student verification form

Friday, 17 October 2014


Student Verification Forms
Please make any changes if necessary... ALL forms are to be signed and returned even if they don`t require any changes.

Photo Retakes
Please note that photo retakes need to be scheduled at Photo Express Studio... A notice was sent on the portal and I also printed the info which will be sent home today with any students requiring retakes.

Creative Kaos
This is an in class field trip that will take place the morning of Wed. Oct. 22. A payment of $6.00 is required and can be paid online through the portal or brought in. Thank you.

PAC Holiday Fundraiders
Forms for Neufeld Farm orders and Family Photo night sent home today.

Etude de mots (3 activites) - pour lundi si pas fini

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Photo orders due tomorrow

Creative Kaos - $6.00

English Mystery story - rough draft for tomorrow

Scholastic due tomorrow

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Orders to bring in (optional):
booster juice
treat day

English story draft due Friday

Ordi demain - apporter les ecouteurs si vous voulez

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Photo orders due Friday

PAC fundraiser - Booster Juice forms home today

Creative Kaos (In-school) - on portal $6.00

Mystery story draft - due Friday

Scholatic orders (october) due Friday
*** Please note September orders arrived however many are back ordered***

Helping with primary fun run tomorrow afternoon - RAIN or SHINE

Book Fair in library this week 

Thursday, 9 October 2014


Photo proofs home

Terry Fox Assembly and Run tomorrow afternoon
*Bring a toonie for Terry*

Hot Lunch tomorrow - PIZZA!!!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


Travail a completer pour demain:
hand art
carte du monde

Terry Fox Run
Hot lunch Day - pizza

Helping with Primary Fun Run-
Next Wednesday (Turtles, foxes & Rabbits)

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Hot lunch Day Friday

Terry Fox assembly and run Friday afternoon

PE tomorrow

To finish for Thursday:
hand art
Silverstein poem
carte du monde

To hand in:
EQ kits
Treat Day
Lice Screening
Scholastic (October)

Monday, 6 October 2014



Library Exchange tomorrow

Math Quiz  /10

To finish for Thursday (if not yet completed):
  • drawing for poem
  • hand art
  • table de multiplication
  • carte du monde (continents et oceans)

5 a day Disco en français

Friday, 3 October 2014


Picture Day - Tuesday, October 7th

Scholastic (octobre) - due Friday, October 17th

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Earthquake kits
poster boards for Friday (for portfolios)
Bookfest forms - due Friday
Student forms- due Oct. 10th
Lunch Lady Forms

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Forms to be returned:
Treat Day orders
Lice Screening form
Walking form
Internet form
Planner $6

Bookfest form - due Friday
Scholastic orders - Friday

PE tomorrow

Monday, 29 September 2014


1. 5 notices home today:
  • internet consent form 
  • walking consent form
  • treat day orders
  • head lice screening permission
  • Div. 13 newsletter from Mme Homeniuk :)
2. Bookfest - for those interested only. Form is due back Friday

3. $6 for planner if you haven`t already

Friday, 26 September 2014


School supplies - in addition to the basic list I am requesting that students please bring in 6 duotangs, a box of kleenex and a poster board each that will be folded to create their portfolios.

Emergency Kits- please send in as soon as possible.. thank you.

HOMEWORK- for Monday
Finish writing about 3 topics for The Giving Tree
Finsh Math worksheet
...if you haven`t already completed

Planner money - $6 can be paid on portal or brought in.

Band notices sent home with grade 6`s today

P.E. - Monday & Wednesdays

Scholastic (Spetmeber issues) - due Friday, October 3rd
* Reminder please make cheques to Scholastic Canada.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Hello parents!

School planners (cost is $6.00 to be paid through portal or brought in) were handed out to students today and will be used in conjunction with our class website for reminders and notices home.

I will post and send home an introductory notice early next week when everything is more finalized.

Thank you,

Mme Homeniuk

Monday, 22 September 2014


Bienvenue a la classe de 5ieme et 6 ieme annee de Mme Homeniuk...Je suis tres excitee de finalement commencer l`annee! Come to room 1068 tomorrow morning and line up at the outside door.

P.E. demain
Bring inside shoes and the rest of your supplies please (duotangs).

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

French Support

The link below has been provided courtesy of CPF and contains many useful links to online media, resources and activities to help support students in french programs:

Oniva video: Les langues

30 DAY french challenge - recommended for high school but could be adapted or used as a model to create your own french challenge

Click around to explore links to other resources on the tabs at the top of this website. Also, feel free to inform me of any useful links to add :)

I'm very saddened to not be back in the classroom today and am looking so forward to seeing everyone back...


Mme Homeniuk

Wednesday, 11 June 2014



Please return all library books if you haven`t already

Wizard of Oz (LV Theatre Group performance) on Friday morning

No school tomorrow due to rotating strikes this week

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

This Week


Tomorrow is our last SPIRIT DAY of the year: HAWAIIAN theme

Please return all library books now

No school on Thursday due to job action (rotating strikes)

Friday - Martial Arts instead of regular P.E. from 10:30- 11:15

Thursday, 29 May 2014


Last day for yearbook orders tomorrow

Identity Fair - Tuesday (Project must be completed for sharing)

No P.E. tomorrow. 

No school Monday due to job action

Thursday, May 29th, 2014
Dear parents,
Identity Fair
As you know the students have been working hard to complete their Genius Hour projects to be shared at our school wide “Identity Fair”. We just wanted to remind parents that you are invited to come and visit all classes during the afternoon on Tuesday, June 3rd from 1-2 pm. The intermediate students will also have chance to circulate and view other classes projects earlier throughout the day.
The purpose behind this school wide event is to give students the opportunity to share in exploring their passions with others, to build community and to promote the curiosity and the process of inquiry.
Laity View Arcade
Another upcoming event for students is our “Laity View Arcade”. The students will be planning and building their own arcade games primarily constructed from cardboard and tape. Students will begin by participating in a building day on Tuesday, June 10th and on June 17th will have the games set up in classes for students to circulate and “play”.
The school is seeking donations of the following supplies for this event:
·         Cardboard (all shapes and sizes)
·         Scissors & box cutters
·         Duct tape & masking tape
·         Glue, glue guns & glue sticks
Thank you,
Laity View Intermediate Staff

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Genius Projects - Presentations on Friday
 For your presentation you need to:
1. Present your question
2. Share what you have learned? What is your main "take away" from researching your question? You may also include more details or share more about the process.

Biblio demain

City of Ember : Reading Response # 1 & 2 , and character cinquain poem due Monday

La B-D (personnages) - lundi

Math test (fractions & decimals) returned

Monday, 26 May 2014


1. Genius Hour presentations - Friday

2. No school for students tomorrow

3.  City of Ember: Finish reading responses if you have not already

The occupations of Lina and her friends are decided by a chance from draw of paper from a bag. Imagine that you are one of the young people picking a job. Describe the job you would want most and tell what you would like about it. Then describe the job you would want the least and tell why it would not suit you.

On p. 37, the chief guard, Redge Stabmark says to Lina, ``curiosity leads to trouble``. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? How do you think this statement might be foreshadowing events that may happen later in the novel?

Friday, 23 May 2014


Yearbook order form - due May 30th

Genius Hour Presentations - Friday, May 30th

Math Test - re-scheduled for Monday

Reading Response Question #1 "Assignment Day" - on Kidblog

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Bibliotheque demain

Track & Field tomorrow for Gr. 5 - 800m at Volker Park: Girls at recess, Boys at lunch

Sciences - brochure de santé pour vendredi

Maths - Test sur les fractions et nombres décimaux - vendredi

Please hand in your digestive system stories a.s.a.p - they were due today

Information regarding Genius Hour project evaluations can be found in GENIUS HOUR TAB/PAGE on our class website.

Friday, 16 May 2014


1. Digestive system story due Wed. May 21st. Please include criteria sheet when you hand in. Assignment may be typed or hand written.

2. Science brochure - due Friday, May 23rd. Please include criteria sheet when you hand in.

3. Genius Hour - Projects due Friday, May 30th.You need to plan how your inquiry is going to be presented.

4. Math - Finish worksheet on adding and subtracting decimal numbers (p.91) for Wed.

5. . No school Monday or Tuesday....enjoy your extra long weekend :)

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Spirit Day tomorrow - Mustache Day

Genius Hour projects - in-class presentations on Friday, May 30th
*** These projects will also be shared for our school-wide Identity Fair on Tuesday, June 3rd

Sciences - Brochure de sante pour le 23 mai
                - Digestive System story - due Wednesday, May 21st

Spell-a-thon Assembly - Friday afternoon

Track Day tomorrow afternoon - water, sunscreen, appropriate clothing and footwear.

No school on Monday or Tuesday next week.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Digestive System assignment

Digestive System: Creative Writing
Goal: To write a creative and descriptive story incorporating scientific information about the digestive system from the point of view of the food being digested.


Creativity/Description: captivating title, adjectives, five senses, etc.

1            2             3              4              5

Organization: paragraphs, logical development

1            2             3              4              5
Scientific info: describes 5 stages of digestion from mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine to large intestine.

1            2             3              4              5
Effort: revised and edited
1            2             3              4              5

