Students - Consider the following questions:
- What are the most important things you are learning this year?
- If there is one thing you could change about this term what would it be?
- What is something you are really good at?
- What is something you would like to get better at?
- What have you worked really hard at? (doesn't need to be "academic", consider competencies as well)
- How are you getting along with other students in the class? (Is there anything that needs to be discussed?)
- Are there any other concerns you have?
- How can I and/or your parents help you?
- What are your major learning goals you hope to accomplish this year?
Conference Agenda (20 minutes):
- Once in the classroom, you will introduce parent(s)/guardian(s)
- You will discuss the assignment you selected on "Our Proudest Moments" bulletin board. Explain why this was chosen, etc.
- We will sit at the round table together, show your parents where they will sit.
- We will discuss the portfolio reflection sheet you completed and any other questions you've considered.
- Report Card/Set Goals - Now we will go over the report card (Competencies, self-assessment, Literacy and Numeracy). You will be asked to share your goals at this point (form the reflection sheet) which will be written onto the last page of the report card.
- We will all sign the report card. I will keep it to copy and send it home at a later date for you to keep.
- Thank your parents for coming to the conference.
- You did it! Congratulations!