Sunday, 29 September 2013

La biographie


Objective: Using the writing process and research skills, students will investigate the nonfiction genre and use the information learned to create an informational piece of writing.

Project will mostly be completed during class time.

There are three components to this project. The components are as follows:

  1. A published informational writing piece about the life and contributions of the person you have chosen (revised, edited, and neatly written or typed), 2 - 4 paragraphs summarizing main ideas. Question: Quelles contributions cette personne a fait pour la société canadienne?
  1. A timeline depicting five to seven significant events in the person’s life such as birth, setbacks, accomplishments, awards, illnesses, or death.
  1. A visual component containing graphic features such as photographs, captions, charts, maps, and/or tables.


Student Name :__________________________     

Needs Improvement
Quality of Information
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
Question is clearly defined and explained
Quote included and referenced properly.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.

Question is defined and explained.
Attempt to include quote with proper referencing.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.

Question and explanation is unclear.
Attempt to include quote with proper referencing.
Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.

No question.

No quote
Very few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
Some grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.
Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format.
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format.
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format.
Some sources are not accurately documented.
Diagrams & Illustrations
Diagrams and illustrations are neat, accurate and add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Diagrams and illustrations are accurate and add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Diagrams and illustrations are neat and accurate and sometimes add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Diagrams and illustrations are not accurate OR do not add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Timeline includes five to seven significant events in chronological order.
Timeline includes three to four significant events in chronological order.
Timeline includes one to two significant events in chronological order.
Timeline is not arranged in chronological order, does not include significant events, and/or is missing completely.

Video - Albert Einstein

Friday, 27 September 2013


Finish your Dear Me letter for Monday

Dear ME,

1. Where you are now: Describe yourself and the distinctive things that make you , you! How am I unique? Think of specific qualities you have and provide evidence for them. What are your strengths?

2. Goals for the year: What would you like to change this year? What would you like to improve on? What or how are you going to contribute to our classroom community?
You can also mention some long term goals you have for the future.


Thursday, 26 September 2013


1. Terry Fox Run  -  tomorrow 


- Bring a toonie for Terry campaign

- Scholastic orders - Due Friday, October 4th

-  Lunch Lady menu/order form

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Dear parents,

Yes it`s true we have restructured our weekly spelling and dictée to no longer include weekly oral tests. Instead the students will still be given word lists (posted on SpellingCity for English), however will be required to complete various word study activities to help with vocabulary development rather than memorization tests.

Mme Homeniuk

1. No spelling test tomorrow

2. Terry Fox Run on Friday afternoon - ``Toonie for Terry``

3. Bibliothèque demain

4. Photo Orders due Friday

Friday, 20 September 2013


No SCHOOL Monday or Tuesday

1. Dictée test mercredi et Spelling test Thursday

2. Photo order form

3. Grade 5 Active Pass

Thursday, 19 September 2013


1. dictee et spelling

2. Math quiz demain - valeur de position (place value)

3. Pas d`école lundi et mardi

Terry Fox Run for Laity View - Friday, September 27th at 1:30pm

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


1. Dictée (mardi) et Spelling (Wednesday)

2. Pirate day tomorrow - Students are not permitted to bring weapons: hooks, sword, etc.

3. Open House tomorrow 6-7 pm

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Visit the following website to learn and practice weekly vocabulary. Tests will take place on Wednesdays. 

Spelling City:


1. nouvelle dictée

2. return student info sheet

3. Picture day tomorrow

4. Family Photo night fundraiser

Dictée 2 - Les billes

Lucas aime beaucoup jouer aux billes. La semaine dernière, il a rencontré une fille. Elle n`avait jamais joué aux billes de sa vie. Lucas est gentil, il lui a montré à jouer. Mégane a gagné toutes les billes de Lucas. Celui-ci a pleuré, mais Mégane l`a consolé.

Monday, 16 September 2013


1. 4 notices home:
  • picture day reminder - Wednesday
  • parent portal
  • student indentification form - this form must be signed and returned
  • purple letter for student id. form 
2. Dictée test demain

BOOK FAIR after school this week
OPEN HOUSE - Thursday 6-7pm

Friday, 13 September 2013


1. étudier la dictée

2. return signed forms

3. Autobiographie - bonne copie pour jeudi

Next Week at a Glance:
  • Book Fair after school Mon, Tues & Wed.
  • Photo Day Wednesday
  • Pirate Day Thursday
  • Open House 6-7pm Thursday

Thursday, 12 September 2013


1. return signed forms

2. study dictée

3. Ed. Phys. demain

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


 3 forms to be returned:
  • hot lunch (optional)
  •  internet form
  • walking permission

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


1. Dictée


Il était une fois un cheval tout blanc. Il s`appelait Tempête et il avait trois. Souvent, il allait se baigner dans la rivière. Un jour, il rencontre un jeune chevreuil. Tous les deux se mettent à courir ensemble sur la rive. Ils deviennent vite de grands amis.

Monday, 9 September 2013


1. Finir Autobiographie - 4 paragraphes (brouillon) pour demain
 - la naissance et ou tu habites
 - ta famille
- ton ecole - tes amis
- Les interets

2. Ed. Phys. demain

3. Biblio - jeudi

*Please send any planner money or Earthquake kits if you have not already.

Friday, 6 September 2013


1. Finir les pictogrammes et colorier ``Carte de ma vie``

2. Lunch lady form

3. Welcome newsletter

4. planner $ and Earthquake kits

Welcome Notice

Bienvenue à la 5e annee!
Mme Homeniuk, Div. 14

Dear Families,
Welcome to a new school year! I am excited to be back and looking forward to many successful and positive learning experiences with your child in the year ahead!
Here are some reminders and helpful information:
·         Open House 6-7 pm on Thursday, September 19th, 2013. Hopefully you can all make it out to say hello and visit your child’s classroom.

·         The class is expected to enter and exit the school through the outside classroom door only. Students are also expected to have a pair of indoor shoes that are also used for P.E. with Mr. Tremblay as part of their required P.E. uniform along with shorts or pair of comfortable pants and a t-shirt. P.E. classes are on Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning.

·         Reading: Students independently read for a minimum of 15 minutes a day at school and I recommend at least another 15 minutes at home as part of daily homework. Also, Library Exchange occurs on Thursday and if books are not returned this day, students will be unable to take out new books.

·         Homework: In addition to daily reading there will be weekly dictee and spelling to be completed. Besides this, homework is generally assigned if students have not completed assignments in the allotted time in class or project work is assigned. I also encourage the regular review of math concepts being covered in class and practicing basic math facts (multiplication and division) through the use of various card, dice and/or online math websites.

·         Communication: The student planners are a great communication tool between home and school in addition to helping teach students organizational skills and will be checked and signed daily.

We also have a class website/blog that will be updated regularly as a tool to keep families informed of the happenings in class:
Here you will also find a link to Student Blogs that each student will be contributing to and sharing with their class mates. The student’s blog site is designed only for use within a class, is password protected and is not made public on the Internet. In addition to this link there are other links to useful learning resources on the web and guidelines for internet safety.

Finally, please feel free to email me or contact at me at the school 604-463-7108 with any questions or concerns or to set up an appointment if you would like to arrange for a meeting.  I look forward to working with your child to create a fun, exciting and enjoyable learning environment for everyone!


Mme N. Homeniuk

Thursday, 5 September 2013


1. P.E. tomorrow

2. Earthquake kit

3. Planner money

4. French choir (if interested)

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Bienvenue à la classe de Mme Homeniuk!
Nous sommes la division 14 dans la salle de classe 1068.

Je suis très excitée pour le retour à l`école et prête pour une année fantastique.

Moi et mes deux filles :)