Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Dictée - Plus tard

Quel sera mon métier plus tard? Je pourrais être camionneur comme oncle Sébastien. Je cultiverai peut-être des plantes comme tante Annie. Ou alors, je serai équilibriste dans un cirque. Je pourrais aussi devenir médecin ou policier. Il y a tellement de métiers que j`hésite encore. Ah! Je sais! Je serai fabricant d`ordinateurs. J`aurai un chat et plein de belles souris.


1. Colour Block Day tomorrow - Wear RED to support your team colour!

2. Hot lunch day Friday - Hot dog day

3. Creative Kaos tomorrow (in class)

4. Dictée demain

5. Track & Field and Cultus Lake permission forms

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Blue Notice

The following notice was sent home today:

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013
Dear Parents of Div. 14,

As part of the Health and Career Education curriculum, we will be discussing substance abuse prevention in the upcoming weeks. Your child will be learning about factors that contribute to the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs such as social influences and media and their effects. He or she will also develop the skills to resist pressures related to smoking and alcohol.
The students will rotate through 6 stations covering the following topics: Tobacco and alcohol facts, second-hand smoke and smoking, advertising, peer pressure and standing up for yourself.
Please be prepared to discuss this topic further with your child and answer any further questions she or he may have.
Thank you,

Mme N. Homeniuk

Le corps humain

Visiter le site web suivant pour des rensignements sur le corps humain:

N`oublier pas tu as besoin de trouver 3 faits intérssants pour:
``Le savais-tu?"
  • le coeur
  • les poumons
  • le cerveau

Tu as aussi besoin d`écrire un paragraphe sur les systèmes suivants:
  • circulatoire
  • respiratoire
  • musculaire
  • osseux (squelette)
  • nerveux
  • digestif

Monday, 27 May 2013


1. Library Exchange tomorrow and Book Fair in library

2. Creative Kaos - Thursday

3. Pancake Day - Monday, June 3rd

4. Track & Field practices this week - June 6th is the district track meet

5. Cultus Lake permission forms

Friday, 24 May 2013


1. Track & Field practice schedule for next week:

Monday & Tuesday @ LUNCH - Shot Put

Tuesday @ 2:30 - Running events

Wednesday @ 2:30  - Relay Race

Thursday @ 2:30 - Long Jump

*Participants please bring in your permission forms...Track Meet is June 6th!

2. Yearbook Order Forms sent home today

3. Cultus Lake Permission Form

4. Math Test score  /34

5. Canned Food Drive ends Monday

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Dictée - Le médecin

Un jour, en Afrique, vivait une jeune fille de dix ans, nommée Batuka. Elle voulait devenir médecin, mais elle avait souvent de mauvaises notes à l`école. Un jour, elle demande à son père de l`aider pour son calcul. Mais celui-ci tombe malade et doit être hospitalisé. Son grand-père lui donne un coup de main. Batuka réussit à terminer ses études, elle devient médecin et aide son papa à guérir.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


1. Dictee demain

2. Math test Friday: fractions and decimals

3. Canned Food Drive - GO TEAM RED!!!

4. Cultus Lake forms

OVERDUE: Story Booklet

Track & Field Day is June 6th - Bring in permission forms if you are going to the district track meet.

Friday, 17 May 2013


No school Monday or Tuesday
Spelling and Dictée
Canned Food Drive
Cultus Lake permission forms

Overdue work : Story booklet and écu personnel due Wednesday

Thursday, 16 May 2013


1. Story Booklet DUE TOMORROW

2. Ecu personnel - a remettre demain

3. TWIN DAY et Booster juice demain

4. Creative Kaos and Cultus Lake permission forms

Track & Field ribbons home today

Canned Food Drive - bring in your non-perishable food items and earn team points! 

No school Monday or Tuesday next week.

Student Vote

Student Vote post-survey

School ID: 33325011


Wednesday, 15 May 2013


1. Story Booklet due Friday

2. Ecu personnel (shield) - vendredi

3. Dictée demain

4. Cultus Lake permission form sent home today

5. Pancake order form sent home today

6. Twin Day - Friday

Mon écu personnel:
1. Quelque chose qui révèle que tu es Canadien
2.  Quelque chose que tu as accompli
3. Quelque chose dìmportant pour toi et ta famille
4. Quelque chose qui te rend heureux
5. Quelque chose qui te lie a tes ancetres et ton héritage
6.Un proverbe, un motto, ou ton nom

Monday, 13 May 2013


1. Terminer le tableau sur ``Ton Foie`` pour demain

2. Finish Math questions 3 et 4 on Lecon 9 worksheet

3. Story booklet due Friday

4. Track and Field tomorrow afternoon - Bring water bottle and running shoes

5. Creative Kaos permission forms due Friday

Friday, 10 May 2013


Happy Mother`s Day moms!!!

Congratulations Div. 14 for raising a total of $704.25 for Spell-a-thon. The prize assembly is next Friday, May 17th!

1. Twin Day - May 17th

2. Spring Canned Food Drive next week

3. Spelling and Dictée

4. Class photos home today

5. Student Vote Day on Monday

6. Independent Novel Study due Friday, May 17th

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


1. Dictée demain
2. Spell-a-thon pledges due Friday
3. Independent Novel Study (booklet)- due Friday, May 17th
4. Creative Kaos permission form

Monday, 6 May 2013


**** BRING AN EMPTY JAR for tomorrow *****

1. Biblio et P.E. demain

2. Maths -   /21 et termine la feuille pour demain

3. Bring in Spell-a-thon pledges and Creative Kaos permission

Friday, 3 May 2013


1. Creative Kaos permission form

2. Bring Spell-a-thon pledges in

3. Read & complete story booklet for May 17th

4. Bring in an empty jar for Monday

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Student Vote Candidates

Student Vote 2013 - Meet the candidates for Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows:

BC Liberals - Doug Bing

BC NDP - Elizabeth Rosenau

BC Green - Michael Patterson

BC Conservatives - Manuel Pratas


1. Spell-a-thon - Tests sent home today, please bring in pledges by May 10th

2. New Spelling and Dictée posted

3. Read novel and complete booklet for May 17th

4. Math quiz demain - les fractions et les nombres décimaux

5. Bring in an empty jar for Monday

Dictée pour le 9 mai


Grand-maman ne voit plus très bien. Elle dit que c`est la faute de son journal. Les lettres y sont plus petites que dans son temps. Les marches de l`escalier sont aussi plus hautes. Les divans sont trop mous pour qu`elle se relève facilement. Je crois que grand-maman est bien jeune dans son coeur.