Monday, 29 April 2013


1. Discuss the upcoming BC election on May 14th

2. Finish Math worksheet

3. Crazy Hair Day and the ACT field trip - Wednesday

4. Collect and bring in Spell-a-thon pledges


 What electoral district are you in?  Maple-Ridge-Mission or Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows?
Here are the candidates:

Electoral District
BC Liberal
BC Green
BC Conservative

Maple Ridge-Mission
Marc Dalton*
Mike Bocking
Alex Pope
Chad Thompson

Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows
Doug Bing
Elizabeth Rosenau
Michael Patterson

Manuel Pratas (Not affiliated)


Party Leaders         Christy Clark   Adrian Dix    Jane Sterk     John Cummins

Thursday, 25 April 2013


CONGRATULATIONS JOSHUA who won today and will be advancing to the district finals!!!!

1. Pas d`école demain.

2. Maths - Finish worksheet 5.34 (first side only) for Monday

3. Poème du Jour de la Terre - lundi

4. SPELL-A-THON challenge words test Monday (make-up tests for anyone who missed previous test days as well).


  1. character
  2. achievement
  3. physical
  4. anxious
  5. spaghetti
  6. illustrate
  7. convenience
  8. valuable
  9. particular
  10. knowledge
  11. personnaliser
  12. inférence
  13. magnifique
  14. la persévérance
  15. sélectionner
  16. la détermination
  17. diagnostique
  18. autochtone
  19. fièrement
  20. une description

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


1. Public Speaking finals in the gym tomorrow morning (gr.4/5 from 8:30 - 10:00). Good luck Joshua!!!

2. No school Friday - Pro-D Day

3. Math - finish worksheet on converting fractions to decimals.

4. EDU pack orders and flower orders.

5. Spell-a-thon: Collect pledges and study words.


* Crazy Hair Day - Wednesday
*The ACT (Part 3 of series) - Wednesday at 9:30

Friday, 19 April 2013

A la salle d'ordinateur mardi

Visite la site suivante pour remplir ta feuille de travail sur la charte de droits et des libertes canadiennes:

 La charte canadienne des droits et des libertes

Visite la site web de David Suzuki pour voir des idees sur la protection de la planete:

David Suzuki


CONGRATULATIONS JOSHUA!!! You have been selected to represent Div. 14 at the English Public Speaking contest on Thursday, April 25th. The grade 4`s and 5`s are presenting at 8:30-10:00 am.

1. Study Spell-a-thon words for week 2 tests and collect pledges.

2. Select a novel for independent novel study and begin reading and working on story booklet.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


1. Hot lunch - Friday $5 or $7

2. Story booklet - Choose an English novel for your independent novel study (due May 17th)

3. Spell-a-thon

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Student Vote

Don`t forget to bring in any newspaper articles or relevant information regarding the upcoming election.

Visit the following website for more information regarding the Student Vote program:


1. Laity View Yearbook Cover Page Contest - due April 29th
Yearbooks on sale May 27-31

2. PAC newsletter

3. Practice English Speech

4. Spell-a-thon test words #1-25 tomorrow!

Monday, 15 April 2013


1. Spell-a-thon: Study words and collect pledge money

2. School Supply order form for next year

3. English Speech presentations - Thursday and Friday

4. Bibliotheque demain

5. Quiz de maths: les fractions - vendredi

5. Affiche de sciences - vendredi

Friday, 12 April 2013

Le gouvernement et Student Vote

Le gouvernement du Canada

 La charte canadienne des droits et des libertes

Nous allons apprendre au sujet du procès electorale. On va remplir le sondage suivant:

Student vote: Survey

Our school ID is 33325011

Thursday, 11 April 2013


1. Spell-a-thon letter and word list to take home. See the schedule in previous post for test words and days.

2. Practice English speech - presentations are next Thursday and Friday

3. Treat day tomorrow

***Come prepared for the rain****
We are planning on walking over to Westview tomorrow after lunch to watch their soccer team play against a Mexican soccer team. There will also be some free cultural activities for the students to participate in. It is supposed to rain so come equipped with umbrellas, rain coats and boots tomorrow!

Félicitations à Emma qui a gagné le Concours d`Art Oratoire pour notre école  ... Bonne chance vendredi!


The first 50 English words have been added to Spellingcity.

Voici les 50 mots en francais:

51. impatient
52. embarrassé
53. honteux
54. soulagé
55. effrayé
56. les accessoires
57. une illustration
58. symétrique
59. l`aventure
60. un adolescent
61. souhaiter
62. le bonheur
63. la télévision
64. l`information
65. un avocat
66. un éléphant
67. un échec
68. dimanche
69. l`amitié
70. l`herbe
71. aujourd`hui
72. lier
73. demain
74. une surprise
75. un cadeau

76. apercevoir
77. entendre
78. vouloir
79. réfléchir
80. savoir
81. les yeux
82. l`oeil
83. la narine
84. la bouche
85. la phrase
86. la famille
87. une aiguille
88. facile
89. habile
90. fragile
91. heureux
92. le soleil
93. merveille
94. les ordures
95. un pardon
96. une raison
97. la montagne
98. la colline
99. la vallée
100. une rivière

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


This year`s spell-a-thon will be a school wide event...from K-7!!!

Tomorrow there will be a kick off assembly and a newsletter and the word list will be sent home with the students. The intermediate students have 100 words on their test, 5o English and 50 French words. This list will replace our regular Spelling and Dictée list over the next few weeks. I will be breaking the test down the following way:

Wednesday, April 17th - English test words #1-25
Thursday, April 18th - French test words #51-75

Wednesday, April 24th - English test words # 26-50
Thursday, April 25th - French test words # 76-100

Monday, April 29th - 20 BONUS words test for everyone

Results will come home May 1st and at this time money raised will be  collected is due back by Friday, May 10th.

I will also post the word list...stayed tuned!

Mme Homeniuk

Monday, 8 April 2013

Public Speaking

In-class English Public Speaking

Thursday, April 18th
Nicolas B.

Friday, April 19th

Nicholas T.
Nick. M.


1. Parent Info Session re: sexual health presentation - tonight at 7pm

2. Bibliotheque demain

3. Practice English speech

4. Spelling and dictée

5. Treat Day - Friday

6. Pancake Day (April 22nd) orders - due April 15th

Concours D`Art Oratoire demain à 12:40 - 2:20. Bonne Chance Emma!!!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Public Speaking

1. English Speeches are now overdue if you have not yet handed yours in to be corrected and marked. Put marked speeches on speech cards and practice for homework.
In class presentation on April 18th and 19th.

2. Report card envelope

3. CPF notice

Thursday, 4 April 2013


1. Treat Day forms due Friday

2. Spring Flower order forms due April 25th

3. New dictée and spelling for next week

4. English speeches - Put on cue cards and practice

Les fractions equivalentes /1
Equivalent fractions: lesson and practice

Dictée: Un peu d`aide, s`il vous plait

Noah adore jouer au ballon-poire et au soccer dans la cour. Aujourd`hui, personne ne veur jouer avec lui. Il demande à Samantha, elle refuse. Il demande à Dylan, il est trop occupé. Noah va pleurer quand soudain Lola l`appelle. Elle a besoin d`aide pour colorier. Noah est content.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


1. ENGLISH SPEECH DUE TODAY and is now overdue. Please hand in as soon as possible so they can be marked and hand back asap.  They will be presented in class the week of April 15th-19th!!

2. Sexual Health presentation - April 15th and 16th
A yellow notice was sent home today regarding this presentation and and Parent Information session is being held Monday, April 8th at 7pm
Only send back the form if you wish for your child to NOT participate in this presentation.

3. No dictée or spelling test for this words will be handed for next week.

4. PE tomorrow