Thursday, 31 January 2013

City of Ember Ch. 3 - 5


Response Questions Ch. 3 - 5
1. Do you think there is any hope for the city of Ember. If so, what might it be?
2. Is there anything about the plight of the city of Ember that is like the problems we have in our cities today?
3. Why do you think that nobody in the city of EMber has been able to invent a movable light?

Acitvity: Character cinquain:
A cinquain is a poem that has 5 lines. It has a pattern but does not have a rhyme:

Line 1 has one word
Line 2 has two words
Line 3 has three words
Line 4 has four words
Line 5 has five words

Write a cinquain poem about a character from the book.

Dictée - L`éléphant et la gazelle

Toupeti, le gros éléphant, est trop timide. Hier, il a rentcontré un troupeau de gazelles. Il est devenu tout rouge et est allé se cacher. Oulala, la gazelle, aime bien les grosses bêtes. Elle est venue vers lui et lui a demandé son nom. Toupeti était gêné, mais aussi bien content.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Publishing your NaNoWriMo!

Let`s get those novels published!!

1. Finish proofreading using checklist
2. Create a book jacket - come up with a creative title and design a cover page for your novel
3. Print or hand in your novel...add any illustrations
4. Create an "About the author" page
5. Hand in to be bound by Mme Homeniuk :)

Spelling Ch. 1-5

Spelling: City of Ember Ch.1-5
1. because
2. curious
3. probably
4. except
5. completely
6. slowly
7. quickly
8. finally
9. suddenly
10. labyrinth
11. scavengers
12. turbulent
13. attendance
14. disagreeable
15. incoherently
16. messenger
17. recognize
18. instructions
19. unknown
20.  light

Monday, 28 January 2013

Guidelines for Writing a Speech

Reviser en utilisant l`acronyme POMMES!
P - ponctuation
o- orthographe
m - majuscule
m- masculin et feminin
e - ecriture propre
s - singulier et pluriel 

Sens - idees et details
Style - voix, phrases, choix de mots
Organisation - paragraphes, intro et conclusion
Conventions - grammaire, orthographe, poncutation

TOTAL sur 20 

Guidelines for Writing a Speech

1. Pick the topic carefully.
 Consult your heart map... Ask yourself the following: what do I know a lot about? What would I like to know more about? What do I do for fun? What do I read about? What do I talk about with my friends?

2. Narrow the topic.
Think about the topic and the type or purpose of your  speech...Is it to inform? to demonstrate? to persuade?

3. Gather enough information.
You can research at the library or on the internet, talk to an expert, watch a video, scan the newspaper or remember things from your own experience.

4. Prepare an exciting introduction that will HOOK your audience in.
For example: 
use a famous quote
tell a brief story or refer to an incident
make a strong statement - opinion, persuasive
ask a question

5. Write an outline/plan.
Decide on your big ideas and then support them with details.
Use facts, quotes and examples to support general ideas. Use examples that paint a picture in the minds of your audience.

6. Begin writing your speech organzing your big ideas and supporting details into paragraphs.

 ALSO remember...

Write so people can understand you.( IDEAS AND ORGANIZATION)
Do not use long. complex sentences or a lot of facts and numbers. If certain ideas are important, repeat or elaborate on them. 

Write for feeling.Write something you can express with feeling and interest. You don't want to sound like you are reading out of a book. Use descriptive words (WORD CHIOCE).

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Les devoirs

NO SCHOOL TOMORROW - Altered calendar day
Plan et brouillon du discours en francais - lundi le 4 février
Dictee et Spelling
Read  Ch. 3 City of Ember and complete the following response activity for Monday:

Activity:Title page with Character sketches of Lina and Doon using details from p.5 and title and author book

Questions for reading responses for the Instructrions and ch. 1 & 2:

1. What would bother you most about living in Ember? Is there anything you would like about living there?

2. On p. 37, the chief guard, Redge Stabmark says to Lina, ``curiosity leads to trouble``. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? How do you think this statement might be foreshadowing events that may happen later in the novel?

3. The occupations of Lina and her friends are decided by a chance from draw of paper from a bag. Imagine that you are one of the young people picking a job. Describe the job you would want most and tell what you would like about it. Then describe the job you would want the least and tell why it would not suit you.

Dictée 15 - Que c`est bon!

Quand j`étais petit, j`avais des gouts bizarres. Une fois, j`ai mangé une salade de gazon. Puis, j`ai gouté à ma boule de pate a modeler. Heureusement, maman n`a pas vu cette collation. Maintenant, je déguste des aliments bien meilleurs. Mes préférés sont la laitue et les pommes.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Les devoirs

Today we had a PRACTICE lock down drill.
Math test was returned  /26 (long multiplication and division)
Bibliotheque demain
Rough copy of written french speech is due MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4th
No school Friday, Jan. 25th - Altered calendar day

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Dictée 14 - Le chien et le loup

Noiraud est un chien tout noir de dix-huit ans. Il part souvent courir dans le verte montagne. Un jour, un loup féroce l`attaque et le poursuit. Noiraud est vieux, il ne court plus aussi vite. Soudain, le loup voit une biche appétissante. Il hésite tellement qu`il perd la trace de ses deux proies.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Les devoirs

Jersey Day & Hot Lunch - Friday
Math - p. 102 #6 - demain
Spelling Test Tomorrow
Bring Nanowrimo novel tomorrow to edit for dialogue
Dictee- jeudi
Caricature avec "Mes Buts" - vendredi

Monday, 14 January 2013

Les devoirs

JERSEY DAY! - Friday, January 18th - Donations will be accepted for Kidsport
Hot Lunch Day - Friday
Math - p. 102 #4 (copy questions from textbook into notebook to complete at home if you have not finished)
Bibliotheque demain

Dictée - Le grenier

J`ai vu des choses étonnantes dans mon grenier. J`ai trouvé des chandails et des coraux. J`ai apercu des évantails et des vitraux. Il y avait aussi des cailloux et des clous. Je n`ai pas vu de gouvernails ni de trous. Dommage, il n`y avait pas de sous ni de bijoux.

Friday, 11 January 2013


Plan de discours en francais - lundi
Practice/Review Long division - Finish p. 102 #1 & 2
Spelling "lesson 32" - Wednesday
Dictee - "le grenier" - jeudi
Continue to revise, edit and type NaNoWriMo
** please hand in signed report card envelope if you have not yet done so**

Monday, 7 January 2013

Les devoirs

Bibliotheque demain
Spelling wednesday
Dictée jeudi
Le plan pour le discours - vendredi
Paragraphe qui decrit le bon esprit d`équipe (Le superhéros) - demain