Thursday, 20 December 2012

Homework for the Holidays

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année!!!

Please think about and brainstorm ideas for speech topics in both English and French. We will begin speech writing in January, beginning with the French speech. 

Many students have chosen to take home their NaNoWriMo novels to either continue to edit and revise or to have them typed.

In Math we are currently working on multiplication and division and will pick up where we left off in the New Year.

The Spelling list `Compound Words` is for January 9th and dictée `l`anniversaire de papa`is for January 10th.

Spelling: hallway, strawberry, thunderstorm, birthday, cheeseburger, nightmare, upset, cartwheel, flashlight. notebook, chalkboard, grasshopper, suitcase, uproar, homework, blueberry, sawdust, breakfast, weekend, sailboat

Hier, c`était l`anniversaire de mon père. Il est né il y a exactement trente-neuf ans. Mon papa est gentil, il joue souvent avec moi. Parfois, il me montre comment construire des cabanes. Des fois, le soir, il m`aide à faire mes devoirs. Plus tard, j`aimerais bein lui ressembler.

Monday, 17 December 2012


Please return your report card envelope signed
Patiner demain a Planet Ice 12:45-2:15
Bibliotheque demain
Apporter des bonbons pour mercredi
Spelling - Wednesday
Dictee - jeudi

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Pratiquer les pieces de theatre et apporter les costumes et le decor au besoin
Dictee demain

Next Week at a Glance:Dec. 17-21
Monday -  Theatre de Munsch et cadeaux pour les parents
Tuesday - Skating at Planet Ice 12:45 - 2:30
Wednesday - Gingerbread Houses with little buddies 12:45 - 2:15 *Please bring small bag of candy to decorate your house
Thursday - Gr. 4 and 5 dance in afternoon
Friday - Buddy read and Christmas activities

Dictée - Jouons dans la neige

C`est l`hiver et il neige dehors! Allons jouer dans la neige. Mets ta combinaison de ski, tes bottes, et tes moufles. Regarde les beaux flocons. Peux-tu attraper les flocons dans ta bouche? Descendons la colline en lugeé Peux-tu faire un ange de neige? Faisons un bonhomme de neige. C`est drôle de jouer dans la  neige.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas Concert

  • MONDAY, DEC. 10TH:  Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal (students only)
  • TUESDAY, DEC. 11TH:  Christmas Concert  (A-L Families to attend)  Doors open 12 pm   Concert begins at 12:45 pm
  • WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12TH:  Christmas Concert (M-Z Families to attend)  Doors open 12 pm   Concert begins at 12:45 pm
    ****Canned food donations and gently used or new warm clothing donations are being accepted at the door. 
    Thank You!*****
    Students remember to wear dark or black pants and plain bright coloured shirt of possible.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Dictée 11 - La jungle

Mon émission de télévision préférée se passe dans la jungle. On y voit une girafe joyeuse et énervée. Il y a aussi Maxo, l`hippopotame énorme. J`aime surtout les six douces gazelles noires. Elles sont légères et courent à la vitesse de l`éclair. Je suis content d`admirer ces bêtes magnifiques.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Les devoirs

Skating Field Trip - December 18th - bring in form
Superhero Day - Friday
Continue to revise and edit  NaNoWriMo
Complete Dictee activities on second page and test demain
Practice Christmas songs and bring in an empty, wrapped present
PAC Penny Drive

Concert de Noel:
School wide rehearsal - Monday, December 10th
Concert (A-M) Tuesday pm
Concert (N-Z) Wednesday pm