Thursday, 20 December 2012
Homework for the Holidays
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année!!!
Please think about and brainstorm ideas for speech topics in both English and French. We will begin speech writing in January, beginning with the French speech.
Many students have chosen to take home their NaNoWriMo novels to either continue to edit and revise or to have them typed.
In Math we are currently working on multiplication and division and will pick up where we left off in the New Year.
The Spelling list `Compound Words` is for January 9th and dictée `l`anniversaire de papa`is for January 10th.
Spelling: hallway, strawberry, thunderstorm, birthday, cheeseburger, nightmare, upset, cartwheel, flashlight. notebook, chalkboard, grasshopper, suitcase, uproar, homework, blueberry, sawdust, breakfast, weekend, sailboat
Hier, c`était l`anniversaire de mon père. Il est né il y a exactement trente-neuf ans. Mon papa est gentil, il joue souvent avec moi. Parfois, il me montre comment construire des cabanes. Des fois, le soir, il m`aide à faire mes devoirs. Plus tard, j`aimerais bein lui ressembler.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Please return your report card envelope signed
Patiner demain a Planet Ice 12:45-2:15
Bibliotheque demain
Apporter des bonbons pour mercredi
Spelling - Wednesday
Dictee - jeudi
Patiner demain a Planet Ice 12:45-2:15
Bibliotheque demain
Apporter des bonbons pour mercredi
Spelling - Wednesday
Dictee - jeudi
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Pratiquer les pieces de theatre et apporter les costumes et le decor au besoin
Dictee demain
Next Week at a Glance:Dec. 17-21
Monday - Theatre de Munsch et cadeaux pour les parents
Tuesday - Skating at Planet Ice 12:45 - 2:30
Wednesday - Gingerbread Houses with little buddies 12:45 - 2:15 *Please bring small bag of candy to decorate your house
Thursday - Gr. 4 and 5 dance in afternoon
Friday - Buddy read and Christmas activities
Pratiquer les pieces de theatre et apporter les costumes et le decor au besoin
Dictee demain
Next Week at a Glance:Dec. 17-21
Monday - Theatre de Munsch et cadeaux pour les parents
Tuesday - Skating at Planet Ice 12:45 - 2:30
Wednesday - Gingerbread Houses with little buddies 12:45 - 2:15 *Please bring small bag of candy to decorate your house
Thursday - Gr. 4 and 5 dance in afternoon
Friday - Buddy read and Christmas activities
Dictée - Jouons dans la neige
C`est l`hiver et il neige dehors! Allons jouer dans la neige. Mets ta combinaison de ski, tes bottes, et tes moufles. Regarde les beaux flocons. Peux-tu attraper les flocons dans ta bouche? Descendons la colline en lugeé Peux-tu faire un ange de neige? Faisons un bonhomme de neige. C`est drôle de jouer dans la neige.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Aurores Boreales
Search sites to learn about the Northern Lights:
Northern Lights
Northern Lights - Santa
Astronomy for kids
Ecrire un sommaire en francais de ce que tu as appris sur kidblog...ajouter un photo aussi!
Friday, 7 December 2012
Christmas Concert
- MONDAY, DEC. 10TH: Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal (students only)
- TUESDAY, DEC. 11TH: Christmas Concert (A-L Families to attend) Doors open 12 pm Concert begins at 12:45 pm
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12TH: Christmas Concert (M-Z Families to attend) Doors open 12 pm Concert begins at 12:45 pm
****Canned food donations and gently used or new warm clothing donations are being accepted at the door. Thank You!*****Students remember to wear dark or black pants and plain bright coloured shirt of possible.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Dictée 11 - La jungle
Mon émission de télévision préférée se passe dans la jungle. On y voit une girafe joyeuse et énervée. Il y a aussi Maxo, l`hippopotame énorme. J`aime surtout les six douces gazelles noires. Elles sont légères et courent à la vitesse de l`éclair. Je suis content d`admirer ces bêtes magnifiques.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Les devoirs
Skating Field Trip - December 18th - bring in form
Superhero Day - Friday
Continue to revise and edit NaNoWriMo
Complete Dictee activities on second page and test demain
Practice Christmas songs and bring in an empty, wrapped present
PAC Penny Drive
Concert de Noel:
School wide rehearsal - Monday, December 10th
Concert (A-M) Tuesday pm
Concert (N-Z) Wednesday pm
Superhero Day - Friday
Continue to revise and edit NaNoWriMo
Complete Dictee activities on second page and test demain
Practice Christmas songs and bring in an empty, wrapped present
PAC Penny Drive
Concert de Noel:
School wide rehearsal - Monday, December 10th
Concert (A-M) Tuesday pm
Concert (N-Z) Wednesday pm
Friday, 30 November 2012
Les devoirs
No school Monday - Pro-D day
Finish writing novel for NaNoWriMo if needed and create a title for Tuesday, December 4th
Finish Math - question #1 from worksheet
Complete Dictee activities on second page (p,20)
Bibliotheque mardi
Practice Christmas songs and bring in an empty, wrapped present
PAC Penny Drive
Finish writing novel for NaNoWriMo if needed and create a title for Tuesday, December 4th
Finish Math - question #1 from worksheet
Complete Dictee activities on second page (p,20)
Bibliotheque mardi
Practice Christmas songs and bring in an empty, wrapped present
PAC Penny Drive
How the Grinch Stole Christmas "Welcome Christmas"
Welcome Christmas and Trim Up The Tree Dr. Seuss
Fah who for-aze
Dah who dor-aze
Welcome Christmas
Bring your light
Welcome Christmas - Dr. Seuss
Fah who for-aze
Dah who dor-aze
Welcome Christmas
Welcome in the cold, dark night
Welcome Christmas
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome Christmas
Dah who dah-moose!
Welcome Christmas
While we stand
Heart to heart
and hand in hand!
Trim up the tree with Christmas stuff
Like bingle balls and whofoo fluff
Trim up the town with goowho gums and bizilbix and wums
Trim every blessed window and trim every blessed door
Hang up whoboohoo bricks
Then run and get some more!
Hang pantookas on the ceilings
Pile pankunas on the floor
Trim every blessed needle on the blessed Christmas tree
Christmas comes tomorrow
Trim you, trim me!
Trim up your pets with fuzzle fuzz
and whiffer loofs and wuzzle wuzz
trim up your uncle and your aunt
with yards of whofut flant.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Les devoirs et dictee #10
Les devoirs
Les exercices de la nouvelle dictée - Reve ou réalité
Pratiquer les lignes pour le theatre
NaNoWriMo - writing ends tomorrow
Apporter un cadeau vide pour la chanson de Noel
Kids Helping Kids
Pennies for water - last day tomorrow
Dictee #10 Reve ou realite
Trois chevres se reposent dans la montagne. La premiere reve qu`elle court vite comme le vent. La deuxieme reve qu'elle mange mille bonbons. La troisieme ne dort pas, elle se met au travail. Elle fabrique des caramels pour sa soeur Totoche. Elle bricole une trotinette a moteur pour Dodoche.
Les exercices de la nouvelle dictée - Reve ou réalité
Pratiquer les lignes pour le theatre
NaNoWriMo - writing ends tomorrow
Apporter un cadeau vide pour la chanson de Noel
Kids Helping Kids
Pennies for water - last day tomorrow
Dictee #10 Reve ou realite
Trois chevres se reposent dans la montagne. La premiere reve qu`elle court vite comme le vent. La deuxieme reve qu'elle mange mille bonbons. La troisieme ne dort pas, elle se met au travail. Elle fabrique des caramels pour sa soeur Totoche. Elle bricole une trotinette a moteur pour Dodoche.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
Les devoirs cette semaine
Bibliotheque demain
Spelling City - test Wednesday
Math Quiz - score out of 26
The ACT theatre field trip - Wednesday
Dictee - jeudi, la chanson de Noel
NaNoWriMo - ends Friday!!
P.E. Tomorrow instead of Wednesday
Kids Helping Kids
Last week to bring in pennies for clean water campaign
Hot Lunch on Friday
Spelling City - test Wednesday
Math Quiz - score out of 26
The ACT theatre field trip - Wednesday
Dictee - jeudi, la chanson de Noel
NaNoWriMo - ends Friday!!
P.E. Tomorrow instead of Wednesday
Kids Helping Kids
Last week to bring in pennies for clean water campaign
Hot Lunch on Friday
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Ice Hockey Mad Lib
Click on the link below to fill out a "mad lib" story about ice hockey:
Chanson de Noel/Dictee
Vive l`hiver
Vive l’hiver, vive la
neige, vive les vacances!
On a la chance de
jouer dans la neige
toute la journée
et la soir on peut
Vive l’hiver, vive la neige, vive les
Tous les amis venez
chez moi.
on s’amusera de toute
la nuit
après la messe de
Soyez sage, les
car le Père Noël s’en
pour toi il y a peut-être un livre
et pour toi un jolie
petit chien!
Je t’en prie, Père Noel,
dépêches- toi
pour que tu ne tardes
pour voir les bonnes
filles et bons garçons!
dans tout le Canada!
Oh! Oh!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Les devoirs
Grade 4/5 Snow Pass
Finish Math worksheet (Multiplier par 10)
Spelling Test
Test de grammaire demain
Pennies for water until Nov. 30
Kids Helping Kids
Finish Math worksheet (Multiplier par 10)
Spelling Test
Test de grammaire demain
Pennies for water until Nov. 30
Kids Helping Kids
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
This week....
1. Multiplication and Division Facts - Please review and practice regularly your basic facts (up to 10 times tables) at home. You can practice by playing multiplication and division games on the computer, using flashcards and card and dice games such as "multiplication war" in order to try and master these facts!
2. "Pennies for Clean Water"
We Create Change - Our class is currently collecting pennies for this campaign for clean water. Visit the following link to learn more:
3. Crazy Hat Day - Friday, November 16th is our next school spirit team challenge! Go Team Red!!!
4. Science - Great job with the Science projects so far...we will continue to share throughout the rest of the week!
2. "Pennies for Clean Water"
We Create Change - Our class is currently collecting pennies for this campaign for clean water. Visit the following link to learn more:
3. Crazy Hat Day - Friday, November 16th is our next school spirit team challenge! Go Team Red!!!
4. Science - Great job with the Science projects so far...we will continue to share throughout the rest of the week!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Dictée #8 -L'orignal et le pommier
Il y a longtemps, papa était encore un enfant. Parfois, il se promenait a la campagne. Une fois, il a rencontré un gros orignal. Celui-ci mangeait sous un pommier. Mon père a voulu lui sauter sur le dos en criant très fort. L'orignal est parti et papa est tombé dans les pommes.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Dictee # 7b demain
Projet de sciences - mardi
LV movie night (Madagascar 3) - Friday, November 23rd
Pennies for water campaign
Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow at 10:45 - Donations for poppies
Drapeau canadien - demain
The ACT permission form
Projet de sciences - mardi
LV movie night (Madagascar 3) - Friday, November 23rd
Pennies for water campaign
Remembrance Day assembly tomorrow at 10:45 - Donations for poppies
Drapeau canadien - demain
The ACT permission form
Monday, 5 November 2012
6 Pillars of Character Building
Today our class had a presentation the school counsellor Mr. Lawrence on the Six Pillars of Character Building.
What makes a person a good character?
6 pillars: Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship
We will continue to discuss and review these pillars throughout the year.
What makes a person a good character?
6 pillars: Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship
We will continue to discuss and review these pillars throughout the year.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Dictee #7b - Plus tard, devoirs et NaNoWriMo
Plus tard
Cette nuit, j'ai reve de l'avenir de mes amis. Plus tard, Megane sera medecin; a l'hopital elle soignera les gens malades ou blesses. Enzo deviendra policier et arretera les voleurs. Lucas et Lolo chanteront a la television. Moi, j'ecrirerai des livres pour enfants.
Bring back UNICEF enveloped
The ACT Audience Series permission form
Sciences project - Nov. 13
Dictee et Spelling
Today, November 1st, is our Novel Writing kickoff! During the month of November students will be working hard in class and at home on writing their own novels. They have set a word count goal that they are trying to achieve. Students are encouraged to put away their "inner editor" and focus only on getting their ideas out on the page. This writing challenge will end Nov. 30th and then we will work on the editing part of the novel.
Cette nuit, j'ai reve de l'avenir de mes amis. Plus tard, Megane sera medecin; a l'hopital elle soignera les gens malades ou blesses. Enzo deviendra policier et arretera les voleurs. Lucas et Lolo chanteront a la television. Moi, j'ecrirerai des livres pour enfants.
Bring back UNICEF enveloped
The ACT Audience Series permission form
Sciences project - Nov. 13
Dictee et Spelling
Today, November 1st, is our Novel Writing kickoff! During the month of November students will be working hard in class and at home on writing their own novels. They have set a word count goal that they are trying to achieve. Students are encouraged to put away their "inner editor" and focus only on getting their ideas out on the page. This writing challenge will end Nov. 30th and then we will work on the editing part of the novel.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Friday, 26 October 2012
Felicitations a l'equipe ROUGE!!
Way to go Red Team in winning the first team challenge of the year...Pyjama Day! Team red had the most students (and teachers) wear their pyjamas to school today to demonstrate their school spirit!
The next challenge is the "We Scare Hunger" campaign so don't forget to bring in your non-perishable food donations until November 1st.
Way to go Red Team in winning the first team challenge of the year...Pyjama Day! Team red had the most students (and teachers) wear their pyjamas to school today to demonstrate their school spirit!
The next challenge is the "We Scare Hunger" campaign so don't forget to bring in your non-perishable food donations until November 1st.
Dictee pour l'Halloween
une citrouille
un clown
un costume
un crapaud
un demon
un diable
un fantome
une fete
un hibou
un loup-garou
un masque
une momie
une araignee
un balai
un bonbon
un chat noir
un chaudron
un chocolat
un monstre
un ogre
un squelette
une sorciere
un vampire
un zombie
un clown
un costume
un crapaud
un demon
un diable
un fantome
une fete
un hibou
un loup-garou
un masque
une momie
une araignee
un balai
un bonbon
un chat noir
un chaudron
un chocolat
un monstre
un ogre
un squelette
une sorciere
un vampire
un zombie
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Les devoirs
Field trip to Fort Langley tomorrow
Pyjama day Friday
Hot lunch day Friday
Spelling - Halloween words for next Wednesday
Dictee - test demain apres-midi
Roald Dahl novel activities - due Monday, Oct. 29th
Sciences research project due - Nov. 13th
Pyjama day Friday
Hot lunch day Friday
Spelling - Halloween words for next Wednesday
Dictee - test demain apres-midi
Roald Dahl novel activities - due Monday, Oct. 29th
Sciences research project due - Nov. 13th
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Human footprint
To calculate your human footprint:
Website de Tesia qu'elle partage:
Website de Tesia qu'elle partage:
Monday, 22 October 2012
In today's planners...
Study Spelling - R. Dahl words
Dictee (score)
Roald Dahl Activities due Oct. 29th
Science research project - due Nov. 13th
We Scare Hunger campaign - collecting non perishable food items ...GO TEAM RED!!
Library exchange tomorrow
Booster Juice orders
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Earthquake Drill
Today Laity View is participating in Shake Out BC to practice earthquake preparedness.
I have also let your child know if they still have not yet brought in their Emergency Kit.
I have also let your child know if they still have not yet brought in their Emergency Kit.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Dictee #6 - La pluie
Ma mere aime beaucoup jouer au tennis. Ce matin, elle a un match important. Elle met ses vetements, puis etire ses muscles. Lorsqu'elle arrive au terrain, la pluie commence a tomber. Ma mere et son amie sortent leur parapluie. Apres la pluie, ma mere gagne son match : 6-4.
Roald Dahl Novel Activities
All 3 activities to be completed for Monday, October 29th, 2012
Choose one activity to
complete from each section.
Section 1 : Reflection /5
1. Choose
a character from the novel and write a diary entry that he/she might have
written. Remember, you become the character. Try to think and write like
2. Pretend
you are the author and you are being interviewed about your book. What part of
the book do you feel is the:
humourous? B) most exciting? C)most interesting? D) saddest?
If you were to
rewrite the book what would you change? Why?
3. Write
a letter to one of the characters in the story commenting on what happened to
him/her or asking why he/she did something and how you feel about their
4. If
the story had a moral or a lesson, explain it.
5. Choose
a character form the story. Compare and contrast this character with yourself
or another character from a Roald Dahl novel.
6. Complete
a plot rollercoaster or the 5 elements of a story worksheet.
7. Compare
and contrast your story with another one by the same author.
Section 2: Vocabulary
Connections /5
1. Choose
5 interesting action verbs and 5 descriptive adjectives and use each in a
meaningful sentence.
2. List
examples of similes and/or metaphors used in the book.
3. Choose
10 unfamiliar words from the book. Using a dictionary write the correct
meanings beside each word.
4. Make
a crossword puzzle or word search using a minimum of 10 words form the story.
5. Compile
a list of “invented” words that Roald Dahl uses in his stories.
Section 3: Creation /5
1. Draw
a cartoon to represent a character or scene.
2. Draw
an cartoon action strip shows the main events of the story. (Beginning,
problem, rising action, climax, solution)
3. If
there is a villain in the story, make a wanted poster for him/her.
4. Design
a magazine advertisement or a poster for the book.
5. Design
a new book jacket…don’t forget to include a summary on the back without
spoiling the end.
6. Make
a character cube with important information about a character from your story.
UNICEF envelopes were handed out today only to those students who decided they wanted to fundraise for this cause. Please return envelopes after Oct. 31st even if nothing was collected. Thank You!
If you have volunteered to drive on our field trip to Fort Langley can please check to make sure your driver's abstract is up to date at the office. Thanks :)
PAC Fundraiser for Neufled Farms was also sent home today.
Lice Letter sent home as a precaution, however no lice present in class.
Booster Juice form due November 7th
Reminder that this Friday, October 17th is a Pro-D day.
If you have volunteered to drive on our field trip to Fort Langley can please check to make sure your driver's abstract is up to date at the office. Thanks :)
PAC Fundraiser for Neufled Farms was also sent home today.
Lice Letter sent home as a precaution, however no lice present in class.
Booster Juice form due November 7th
Reminder that this Friday, October 17th is a Pro-D day.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Internet Safety Website
As Internet Safety is an increasingly important topic to discuss with your child, I have attached a link to a website that is an excellent resource for various topics around this issue that you and your child may find interesting and helpful. This link has also been added under the PARENT RESOURCE tab.
Mme Homeniuk
Mme Homeniuk
Science Research Project Outline
Projet de recherche:
Les ressources naturelles
Step 1:
Choose one natural resource you would like to research
Step 2:
Identify the information you need to find out using the questions provided as a
guide and/or come up with your own inquiry question around the topic of natural
resources and energy use. Frame your research around a particular question you would like to investigate. Ex. How can solar energy be used to power a car? CHECK IN WITH
TEACHER on Tuesday, October 23rd
Step 3: Find
sources of information, ex. Internet, books,interviews, etc. I will put some useful links
to websites under the Learning Links tab on our class website.
Step 4:
Gather and record information. CHECK IN
WITH TEACHER on Tuesday, November 1st
Step 5: Decide
how to present your information. DUE
DATE: Tuesday, November 13th,
Le projet
est a completer en francais, mais vous pouvez faire les recherches en anglais.
Ne traduit pas directement l’infromation en anglais au francais! Resumez dans
vos propres mots!
Le soleil -L’ energie solaire
Le vent –L’energie eolienne
L’eau – L’hydroelectricite
La geothermie
La bioenergie
Le charbon
Le petrole
Le gaz naturel
Comment cette ressource est –elle
utilise comme source d’energie?
Comment cette energie est-elle
Quels sont les avantages et
inconvenients d’utiliser cette forme energie?
Comment cette ressource est –elle
utilise comme source d’energie?
Comment la ressource est-elle extrait
de la terre?
Quels sont les impactes positifs et
negatifs de l’utilisation de cette ressource sur l’environnement et pour les
Comment la ressource est-elle en train
d’etre conserver?
Monday, 15 October 2012
dictee #5 - Mon oncle Alex
***Attention - il n'y a pas d'accents sur cette version***
Mon oncle Alex possede trois voitures bizarres. La premiere a de minuscules pneus bleus. La deuxieme a quatre nouveaux tuyaux jaunes. La troisieme est pleine de jouets magiques. J'aime les rencontres avec mon oncle Alex. J'ai plein de cadeaux chaque fois que je reve a lui.
Mon oncle Alex possede trois voitures bizarres. La premiere a de minuscules pneus bleus. La deuxieme a quatre nouveaux tuyaux jaunes. La troisieme est pleine de jouets magiques. J'aime les rencontres avec mon oncle Alex. J'ai plein de cadeaux chaque fois que je reve a lui.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
What in the World is NaNoWriMo???
Dear Parents,
As you may or may not of heard already, our class has embarked on an exciting journey together called the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). The students are in the process of planning the novel they will write during the month of November. In a nutshell, the program encourages students to write as much as they can in a month without worrying about editing their work until the challenge is completed! Please visit the link below to learn more about this writing challenge:
Students will set individual word count goals which can be registered online by joining the Young Writer's Program. Registering online is optional and requires an email address (student's or parent's email). This can be decided between you and your child if you would like do to so:
Furthermore, this writing assignment is in English and students will be given plenty of class time to write their novels, however they may also choose to and/or be required to work on their novels at home from time to time.
Please visit the web site or contact me if you have any further questions regarding the NaNoWriMo:
Mme Homeniuk
Homework Update
Dear students,
Now that you should be well on your way with your second Roald Dahl novel, remember that you are to complete a 3rd reading response entry for Monday. We will be finishing up this novel study over the next few weeks.
Also, unfortunately I do not have a copy of this week's dictee "Mon oncle Alex" at home and will not be able to put this up on the blog until Monday.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Mme Homeniuk
Parent Drivers for Fort Langley Field Trip
Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to
drive and accompany the class on our field trip to Fort Langley on Thursday,
October 25th. We actually have more parent drivers than are needed
so please let me know if your preference would be not to come, however I am
pleased to have you all join us if you would like. We have enough funds to
cover the cost of entry and bridge tolls for 5 parents which will be decided by
a draw if all the volunteer parents would still like to come.
Thanks again for volunteering to drive and I will update you
closer to the field trip date as to which students you will be driving along
with the directions to get there.
Thank you,
Mme Homeniuk
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